
Bobby Ramos

Ask @DinoWinwoodsGhost

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Also I'm an atheist and my family says that I'm confused and I'm really Christian but I know that God is a piece of crap and doesn't exist. How do I get my family off my back and make them realize that I'm a freaking atheist?

Sam Wesley Shiveley
Well they only want what is best for you, unfortunately they were raised in a time less open to the beliefs of others. You being an atheist is YOUR decision, with that being said Religion is a belief as well. How you feel about God is how YOU feel and how others feel is what they feel. From the sound of this question you seem to be very young. If that is the case then you have a long life ahead of you of learning and experiences that will shape you. I am not saying you will change your mind and believe in God but I AM saying that you will come across people who are more accepting of you and your views and lifestyle BUT in order to do that you must do that same for them. I really hope you don't say to those who believe in God that she/he is "a piece of crap and does not exist" because that would just contradict and make one no better than the ones who say that you being an Atheist is not right.

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Liked by: Skyler King

The whole story is over 300 characters so I'll just shorten it. What should I do if I'm in love with a girl but to date her I have to get on her parents good side and they won't give me the time of day? I'm seriously in love with her and I don't want to give up. So what should I do?

Sam Wesley Shiveley
Well I can only go by what you have told me. Since I am not there to witness the whole story unfold. Also I have not been in that type of situation so the only thing I can say is If you have tried to get on their good side by discussing your feelings about her and they still ignore you and she is letting that get in the way of her feelings then it might be a time to move on. Sorry if that is not the answer you were looking for but I strongly believe that if someone truly WANTS to be in your life then they will make the effort. In the end it is both yours and her feelings that should matter and not anyone else.

If you could choose a different time period and place to be born, when and where would it be?

The Future. I wanna Be a Blade Runner or a Judge

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What is the last thing you downloaded onto your computer?

Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me Soundtrack

What was the last movie you watched?

The Pact. It was recommended to me. Pretty Good Low Budgie. I recommend.

What slang word or phrase do you love to use?

Shite, Bollocks, Fucken Hell. At least I got that sandwich to look forward to.

What is the one thing you’d most like to change about the world?

Everyone’s Jaded Views on Anything. Myself included.

What makes a person rich?

Living a life without fear and accepting the love of themselves and are happy with the things they have in life while pursuing new goals.

Jim Cornette or Vince Russo? (tough choice I know)

Hard to call Both are Out Of Date and Have their head so far up their asses they think it's the past.
Liked by: Jam

Do you believe there's somebody out there for everyone or that it's all a matter of trial and error?

Personally I think it depends on the person who asks this question. I been told it's trial and error. I also been told there is that 1 person. However I have known some people who have died single or have yet to meet anyone at all. To some it is in the form of many people. To me it is a matter of how the person makes/made you feel. There will always be joy and pain. Some more than the others. However I have only been in love twice and it didn't work out. Until that day comes when I fall in love again and if it lasts I will still only be able to answer from my own personal experience. I do hope one day it is something I can shed some insight on more.

What's your favorite thing to do in the spring?

Sit at the park in the shade with music, a pen and paper and see where my mind goes and what I can write down.

What is paradise for you?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uoQ9K0G_14MDinoWinwoodsGhost’s Video 127287315927 uoQ9K0G_14MDinoWinwoodsGhost’s Video 127287315927 uoQ9K0G_14M
Green All Around me, nice cool windy day ( Maybe light overcast), a delicious refreshing drink ( Maybe a Cucumber lime Gatorade or a Peach/Raspberry Sprite), Steak or Ribs cooking on the grill, My friends hanging back in my home playing the wrestling game I co-created, My Family laughing and all the little ones growing up with little ones of their own running about and playing in a wrestling ring, while a Sexy Nerdy Woman comes up and sits next to me smiling about with a sci-fi ring on her finger as she grabs my hand I smile big and enjoy what I see in front of me. All my loved ones Happy in a Happy Place I built.

Do you wipe standing up or sitting down? And with that said, Butt to Balls or Balls to Butt?

Pro Wrasslin Idiot
Standing (Slightly Squatting) If you wipe sitting down you are just not wiping thoroughly.Taint To Butt.

What things should you never tell your parents?

Anything about your relationship that is not a simple cut and dry case.

What’s the most scared you’ve ever been?

Haunted Mansion. That Places scares the piss out of me. Next to Anything with Dinosaurs. Rides or anything in front of me. Movie screen or tv screen I am fine. but both them shits exist in real life.

What's the coolest thing you've ever seen in a museum?

A Poker Cheat Sleeve. Gamblers use to slide cards into their hand with it. Super Dope.

If you could close one fast food chain because of disgusting food, which one would you pick?

"McDonalds, McDonalds......Kentucky Fried Chicken And A Pizza Hut."


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