
Bobby Ramos

Ask @DinoWinwoodsGhost

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Have you ever done something drastic for a family member? Like "let them use your urine for a drug test for a job" drastic? >_>

Nah nobody has stooped so low to ask me to do that. I once had to help some sibling juggle a few people when I was like 9 or 10

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what's your favorite song originally from a movie? what's your favorite movie soundtrack/score?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PpJ9taKzHoEDinoWinwoodsGhost’s Video 121177827031 PpJ9taKzHoEDinoWinwoodsGhost’s Video 121177827031 PpJ9taKzHoE
This is my favorite song originally from a movie. It has so much emotion starting with the pocket watch song playing when it slows down and starts over again it's like the spirits of the past coming back to take revenge. It really is my favorite scene in ALL the Dollars Trilogy because it is Revenge that was not revealed right away and when it is you cannot help but feel for Col.Mortimer. My second favorite is The Man With A Harmonica from Once Upon A Time In The West.
Favorite Score I would say Vertigo
Favorite Soundtrack Lost Highway

why beef with Super Dragon? i heard it was cause of a hotdog? also y does homer hate daniel bryan?

well obviously the beef was the hotdog. :). I remember seeing that in a thread a long time ago and I could not stop laughing. The beef WAS that I had been erased from PWG in the blink of an eye ( Literally was next day). But that was a long time ago, time to move on from it. Homer's hate for D-Bry runs deeper than the roots of the eldest tree, meaning it predates my existence so much that I have no idea.

If you where a police officer for one day what would you do with the authority?

See how much tail I can get just by wearing the uniform :-P

What do you like to cook?

Breakfast for my guests, I also like to cook Spaghetti and Ramen, I also like to bake (It has been forever)

If you were given a time machine to travel backwards in time, what are the three mistakes that you would want to rectify?

I would have told myself in High School you are not fat, its all in your head. I would have told my teenage self that those who bring you down don't mean a fucking thing do your best and chase your dreams and only rely on yourself to make yourself happy and 3 I would have let it end between her and I that night because she would never be with me the same after that.

Also do you have any tips on how to learn to do impressions of someone ?

Vincent Van der Hoek
Listen to anything and everything you can find on the voice you are trying to do, study the way they say certain things. Everyone has certain sounds, keep replaying it and repeating it until it sounds like it to you. Have confidence in the voices you do. If not perfect to you then keep practising, you will get it. I never thought I could do a Randy Savage because it hurt, but now I can do it no problem. Practice and Good Luck. Rooting For You :-)
Liked by: Jacob Esten

Has Paul Heyman ever reacted to one of your videos like Cult of Paul E Dangerously or the Paul Heyman Wyatt theme song ?

Vincent Van der Hoek
Nope he is a busy man he cannot be bothered by that. I will have to get his approval by getting more famous.

When you were in gym class playing whatever sport your teacher had you play, which professional sports player did you try to emulate? Whose shot/swing/mannerisms did you take up after watching sports?

AC Green


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