
Bobby Ramos

Ask @DinoWinwoodsGhost

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It is taking a while for me to finish your presents i have 3 or 4 in mind or more its just the work in it but ill try to work on it today after catching up on streams

kolton neville
No Worries, the fact you are making them means a lot and I cannot wait to see what you have created, so whenever you are finished and happy with your work, lemme know :-)

Wow Much new year Many hangover Such parti So tired Very 2014

Sounds like me on the nL Stream a few nights ago. lol

Hey Dino, I am currently planning a CAW league with a friend of mine if we require a manager/commentator would you be interested? From Abdullah HepC

Color me interested. hit me up with details sometime.

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Have you seen Zero Dark Thirty or Argo

Argo was fucking amazing. Loved it, great acting and directing and the clothes and style was amazing. Love the 70's. Haven't seen Zero Dark Thirty yet. Heard it's good.

What do you think of Canadians or Americans

Love them both, wish they got along though. Never could understand why Americans hate Canadians. I think they are awesome, great comedy, wrestling and women :-)
Liked by: Eli

Seriously If I fart SBD's with nobody noticing it will smell like Deviled Eggs I had and you would be like Oh, a wise guy, eh? Why I oughta *Slap* hahahaha nuk nuk nuk

No I would continuously hit you with a hammer until the sound your head makes would be "bonk" to "squish"

Is Lita's favorite football team the Chicawkgo Bears?

Well it is a toss up between them and the Seattle SeaCawks,

You are allowed one beverage for the rest of your life. What would you choose?

Water, so I don't die. If it has to be something other than water I say Hi-C Ecto Cooler

Do you fart in public or hide it

I don't fart in public. That is just fucked up. I remember yelling at this woman who crop dusted me in a mall once. Embarrassed the hell out of her.

I've been doing a lot of soul searching lately, and i have come to the conclusion that 3 just is not enough. The only problem is i don't know how many i need. please Dino, help a brotha out.

I'd say Half of 10. Whatever that is :-)

Hey Dino did you hear that the next 5 dollar wrestling show is a gimmicks needed show? You should tweet them some of your great gimmick ideas

Really? that is awesome. Has it happened already?

Opinion on Kane. (Not just modern era Kane, but overall)

Joey Pitt
WAS a good character but over the years I can't get into his work because he has always been built as a threat to the locker room but he has lost more than won.
Liked by: Joey Pitt

Why hasn't WWE signed you too a contract yet?

I don't know. Maybe because I don't know anyone to get my foot in the door, plus I know TOO MUCH about wrestling than a lot of their announcers (The ones who were not workers).

Have you ever had that moment where losing your childhood hero and remembering clearly from that day that make you emotional and heart broken realizing it was the reason everything else just was not as appealing to you.

Nope not yet. I have thought that about chicks I liked though.

I know that this might be a stupid question, but what are you thoughts on Kaitlyn leaving the company?

Not stupid at all. I am sad she is gone, for the longest time she was one of the fery few Diav's that could make an exciting match against AJ without having AJ to worry about carrying her.


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