
Bobby Ramos

Ask @DinoWinwoodsGhost

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Do we become happy only when we meet the one we love?

No, Life is filled with many happy and sad moments, But when we meet the one we love (Fallen or end up with) Everything in the world becomes the greatest thing in the world. Crazy how that works.

What do you think people think of you?

Some Love Me, Some Like Me, Some Don't Like me, Some Don't Know Me. I think people think what they want to think of me. I just hope they don't hate me because I seriously don't Hate anyone (Thos who listen to the streams, Yes I don't really hate "him" either)

Do you have any advice or vocal exercise suggestions for people who are interested in learning to do voice work and impressions like you do, either casually or as a career?

Red Rooster
See how high and how low your voice gets. Tightening the throat muscles and practice pushing the limit I find you can train your voice to sound exactly or close enough. Good Luck in your journey and keep me posted if you land a gig :-)

Do you have posters on your wall?

Warriors, GTA V, Tarantino, Movie postcards and random cool ad I found, also a Giant Baba poster.

I've always wanted to become a pro wrestler but i feel like its too late to start training cause I'm 20 years old and a little over weight and i also have no money for wrestling schools. Any advice?

John Bash
Age is not a reason to not go after something your dream. Neither is weight, Training is the best exercise and you will trim down. Get a job and go to shows offer to help in exchange for training. That is how I started but I don't know it is in your neck of the woods, but the best advice I can give you is Never give up if it is something you want then you will do whatever it takes.

Not to be like most people but how can I join you guys in newLegacy because I feel like I would fit very well. Not to sound like a fan boy. Just a fan of yours

I seriously don't know how I got into it myself. But I say ask Johnny.

Have you worked in Australia over the years?? If not have you been down under & how was it??

Never got to work Australia, I want to though. I had a fascination with the place when I was 5.

Do you still do Low-Ki impressions?

Not really, I find the visual works with the voice. But not since I did Cabana's podcast, I never had to since.

What is the last good movie you saw?

Recently I watched this Korean hit man movie called " A Company Man" it was a good one, not too over the top, basic but effective. Made me want to watch "A Bittersweet Life" (Another Korean Film)

Who was your idol when you were growing up?

Sailor Ripley from Wild At Heart ( Yup I thought Nicholas Cage was the coolest) p.s. I still want a Snake Skin Jacket.

What is the first thing you notice in a person of the opposite sex?

Eyes actually, it dates back to when I was a kid I wanted to have blue eyes.


Language: English