
Bobby Ramos

Ask @DinoWinwoodsGhost

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John Cena comes to you asking for advice to get the older fan base to cheer for him. What do you tell him?

Russell Goeller
Wow, well first off nice to meet you. Ok well for starters you need to drop that Wigga act, I am sure plenty of kids and Adult virgins have gotten their asses kicked due to acting like you, I understand it is a character and it needs to sell, but if everyone else has a gimmick change then so should you, it has gone on long enough, also go back to knowing more than the 5 moves, I see you bust out the rana every now and then but let's make your moves a bit more broad range. No brushing your shoulder off, no waving your hand in front of your face, just do your moves. Go back to when you first started, your matches were intense even if they were only TV time matches, but you still seemed to work a lot cleaner, which is understandable because if I was to stick with the same moves I would forget some stuff also.
Another thing is your promos, stop trying to talk like you are MLK (Starting off slow and low, then spacing every single word and getting LOUDER, You are far from black and nowhere near being an icon like him, Stop with your accents I don't care what part of the world you are in, if you have a Boston accent then use it, but if not then don't try to. Your whole approach at trying to be funny does not work, stick to the script Russo.
But if you really want to get over with the older fans, you are gonna have get mad and well you are eventually gonna have to turn heel, but not just at any random moment, at a moment when you are at your lowest or even when you see someone is getting over just a bit more than you, That is when you strike and that is when you are gonna have to work your hardest, because well even though the kids will boo you it is only because you are the "Bad Guy", but to the others who hold the wallets to pay for the merchandise and tickets and PPV's will fork over more when they see a whole new you.
Even Superman is a Villain in other comics.

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You get to save one wrestler from death. That includes ones effected by health(i.e. Macho Man, Chris Benoit). Who do you save?

As much as I miss Macho, he had a full life and was not going to return to the ring anytime soon. I say Eddie because he could have gone on a bit more.

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Dino how did you meet the newlegacyinc crew?Oh and just saying... You are one funny and awesome dude!

Russell Goeller
Had to dig in my archived answers sorry for the wait)
Was introduced by my buddy 50FootBlake and Johnny was cool enough to have me be apart of the Massive Royal Rumble Marathon and that is where I got to meet everyone and since then have been enjoying the privilege of being apart of many broadcasts :-)

Mr McMahon steps down as chairman and CEO of the WWE, and names you the new chairman and CEO, what do you do to make the WWE better than what it is now?

Kill off this stupid ass Corporation rehash, have one more match where we eliminate Orton from the picture, push the younger and fresher and well overlooked talent, Big men will still get a shot but they have to impress and work just as hard as the smaller guys.
Have more tag feuds (2on2, 6man), (Give the fans Wyatts vs SHIELD but have it done like a horror film, 1 Survivor will take on all 3, until later on the other members show up in the nick of time.)
Bring back King Of The Ring (Will not include Champions),
Have more Survivor Series Matches (Maybe have one of Champions vs Contenders),
Bring back inter gender matches this includes ALL gimmick matches (Nothing more insulting than saying a Woman can only fight Women)
Bring in more masked wrestlers (You will have to have a great character to make it, you can't just have cool gear.)
Since we never will get people to agree to a Deathmatch Tournament, I say have an Extreme Rules Tournament ( This will take careful planning to keep it interesting and not make it so boring.)
Cruiserweight Show (No Belt, I believe that if we have too many belts it will take away from the main ones, US and IC are already getting in the way of each other.)
Mania in places that have much louder and greater crowds.
Also go back to AKI to make our games and bring back WWE Ice Cream Bars and Classic merch to pay for those who gave themselves for the company in the past.
If I had more time tonight I would lay out a battle plan.

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If you could go back in time and change one booking decision, what would it be and why?

Book Eddie Vs HBK Earlier than Mania so we could have gotten at least 1 match.

Dino, baby, I have a near-fully developed concept for the ultimate wrestling game, however I don't have the technical know-how to make it, or the insider knowledge of wrestling. Am I able to borrow your brain at all via DM's or Email or something?

Timothy Swinton
Sure. I am working on a similar game goal myself.

What would your dream house be like?

Replica of the house from the first Resident Evil game, though I want it to have a screening room for movies, a video game room, an actual arcade, a Red Room like in Twin Peaks, a room up top designed like the Millennium Falcon on the other side of the house the Enterprise deck, a Sound stage in the back but the front door has to look like the Tardis, Karaoke room which will also be my bar room oh and also a sound stage or an arena to play laser tag or Nerf wars. Ooh and I just thought of this a key pad where you can type in a song that you want to have play as you enter a room. :-)
Liked by: Candice

tell me the truth would you lick the hammer in home depot if wrecking ball was playing? or if you seen a construction site with a wrecking ball would you ride it? haha

You Know It

Do you have Faygo in your area everyone i know gets it and i spotted a empty bottle or can i always want to try it :D

Yup, Have yet to try it.

Your oppinions ond Droz? Do you think that he could have been a potential future Champion?

I can't think of one thing I liked about him, other than source material >:-D

Have you told the girl you have a crush on her,? If no, how come..,.? Does she live near you.?

who is this?.....just curious.

Fill in the blank: The perfect cast of Whose Line includes Colin, Ryan, _____ and _____ . Greg and Brad. No Wayne??

I could have went UK Cast.


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