
Bobby Ramos

Ask @DinoWinwoodsGhost

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What is the one impression you strive to perfect right now?

Brett Solberg
David Tennant. It is a very touchy subject amongst Whovians (Doctor Who Fans). I can do a Decent Christopher Eccleston and Matt Smith but if I can get down Tennant's voice I think I will be fine.

What is your opinion on John Morrison, would you like it if he came back to WWE?

I really wish he would be allowed back I enjoyed his matches. SHIT team him up with miz again they were a great tag team. He was just starting to bloom more and more and then ::POOP:: they let him go. Maybe Batista will put in a good word for him ;-)

In your opinion what is/was the best looking championship belt in wrestling history.

Honestly I Love the IWGP Championship, It seriously is the most amazing looking and beautiful title, It seriously is what a lot of promotions should model their belt to be like.

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Did you buy lots of gifts for loved ones for this coming holiday ?

Yes. My Dad told me I really shouldn't have done it but Ever since I was a kid I always wanted to be able to give a Christmas for my family and the one year (Last year) that I was not able to made me feel low.

Do you enjoy giving Mustache rides?

If its cold out and they seem non threatening yes but they have to throw their stuff in the back.

would u face new jack in a christmas street fight or face low ki in a 8 day hanukkah iron man street fight?

kolton neville
Both Would Be Over in Seconds resulting in a Superman/Doomsday Type of Ending (Me being the dead one though) But I say the match with Ki.

Where can I purchase Terry Funk bubble gum?

At The "Double (Bubble) Cross Ranch" (Actual Flavor of Same Name Coming Soon)

what are your top 5 ethnic food types you love to eat? ( example Chinese or Mexican)

Mexican, Italian, Japanese, Korean BBQ, Chinese (No particular order)

What is the worst injury you received during your career.

I popped my knee out of place from stretching too hard. It didn't hurt til the next day and MAN did it hurt like a bitch.

Hey Dino, any chance we'll see the greatest TNA World Champion of all time, Dino Winwood, jump ship to 2k14?

he did make an appearance on one of the 2K14 streams not too long ago. Don't know exactly when but I know it was recently.

ets oaky baby i now yuo dint write dat letter or steal mai sandals im sawry fur accusing yuu baby i think earlsy wrote dat letter pretending 2 be yu end hi eis da one who stole dem im sawry ji

fck u demonia

What do you think of Tiger Mask 1

Revolutionary, Inspired a lot of great legendary high fliers I seriously think his matches were Way ahead of their time.

Have you ever thought being a Stone Cold Panda Bear with your gimmick "Austin 3:16 Panda Bear Just Woop Your Ass"

Yeah but then I would be ripping off Shark Boy.

Any advice to someone looking to get into the business but has absolutely no training at all and lives half a state away from the closest wrestling school?

not duel
Get yourself on the local school wrestling team Amateur background helps out a lot. Then when older save your money and get your ass to the nearest school because you shouldn't be in a ring without proper training. Last thing you wanna be responsible for is a serious or fatal accident or another Mass Transit incident.


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