
Bobby Ramos

Ask @DinoWinwoodsGhost

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Can you share a useful tip for dating?

Have not done it in a while and it seems like everyone thinks they deserve more than they should. My only advice would be don't do it. If you do based on mutual interest in going out just listen to each other and feel out the process don't look for a connection right away. Everybody is either looking to fuck or start a family right away without taking into consideration that shit takes time.

Would you rather have an old phone with fast internet or a new cool phone with super-slow internet?

I would rather have a phone with great reception. (Old Man talking).
But I would say old phone with fast internet. I was never much for apple products. :-P

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It's International Music Day! What's your most played song at the moment?

"Perfidia" by Phyllis Dillon, Linda Rondstadt, and Los Straightjackets.
It's a beautiful song of heartbreak. Hits home with the words.

What’s the best place in your city for a romantic dinner?

Really depends on the taste and connection with the person. I have made a fantastic date night either going to a nice restaurant or even an Asian Marketplace.

So I found out on Twitter that you're now a rich Southerner obsessed with saying the word "Howdy" a lot? And is this new character you've created one of the Three Faces of Winwood?

Howdy Price is his name. A Character thought up by one Dave Marquez.
As far as the three faces go I would say Robert Stamos was my Dude Love, Dino Winwood was my Mankind and Naughty Bobby was my Cactus Jack since he did do comedy Deathmatches

Choose any company in the world you would like to run - what is the first thing you would do?

WWE/Lucha Underground
Light a fire under the writer's/bookers asses to make it more exciting and get the numbers up.
WWE needs it more. Lucha is fine but it does not have that same energy as it did when it was near the end of season 1.

What’s one bad habit that you would like to quit but can’t?

Giving people so many chances or benefit of the doubt....well that and chaturbate :-P

Would you rather travel on a flying carpet or a dragon's back?

Dragons back. could put a saddle on it. There is not even a railing system on a Carpet.

Book of the day!

The Guv'nor by Lenny McLean.
He led an interesting life to say the least. A Scary Bastard but honestly I would have loved to have met him.

What match do you believe Gorilla Monsoon & Bobby Heenan are currently commentating on up there in the heavens? #RIPBobbyTheBrainHeenan

Macho Man Randy Savage, Eddie Guerrero, Gran Naniwa vs Owen Hart, Mike Awesome, Art Barr
This was the Semi, The Main is Bossman, Bam Bam Gordy, And Williams vs Bigelow, Misawa, and Brody

What is your fav movie

Horror: Shining,
Action: Hard Boiled,
Kung Fu: Fist Of The White Lotus,
Korean Revenge: Old Boy,
Romance: A Walk In The Clouds,
RomCom:A New Kind of Love (It's pretty backwards thinking but I like it),
New Horror: I'm Not A Serial Killer,
French Horror: Haute Tension,
Hong Kong Horror: Untold Story,
Rock&Roll Horror: Wild Zero,
Rock & Roll Action: Streets Of Fire,
Bad Al Pacino: 88 Minutes,
Good Al Pacino: Cruising,
David Lynch: Wild At heart,
Tony Scott: True Romance/Revenge,
Ridley Scott: Blade Runner,
Gang Movie: The Warriors,
Coming Of Age: We Are The Best,
Mockumentary: Man Bites Dog,
Music Mockumentary: The Rutles
John Carpenter: The Thing
Vampire: Fright Night
Chucky: Child's Play
Chucky Sequel: Child's Play 2
Gregg Araki: Doom Generation/Mysterious Skin
Kathryn Bigelow: Near Dark
Roger Avery: Rules Of Attraction
Spain: Sleep Tight
Found Footage: REC
Freddy: Dream Warriors
Yeah my mind is everywhere because I love film lol. These are just a few I did as they passed my thoughts.

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Do you pay attention to the lyrics of songs? What is your favorite one?

yes as much as possible. "Beautiful" by Hepcat. It speaks to me on the past few who I wanted to love me and who I wanted to love. It brings tears to my eyes.


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