
Dawn Tan

Ask @Dtynx

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Hi babe. If your bf helps your friend ask for another girl's number would you be mad?

If he clearly states his intentions to her and tells me idm. I have an ex that took her number and talked to her and went out w her behind my back. When confronted he just simply told me "oh I help friend ask number" now that's very bad and I lost my trust in him
Liked by: Enqi

You are so beautiful that you give the sun a reason to shine. ((pickup line)) :-))

This isn't a good one HAHAHAHAHA

If you had to get one thing tattooed on your forehead, what would it be?

A drawing of a dick. That'll turn heads

Yes! What inspired you to start up a youtube channel?

Communitychannel! She's one of the first few youtubers I watched. And slowly aft that it was the beauty gurus like Michelle phan etc

Hi, can you do more vlogs?

Haha I thought my vlogs were boring so I stopped :/ Alright shall do vlogs! During the hols :)

What if you encounter really nasty YouTube haters? How do you handle them

Never actually. But on one account this person said I sang horrible and full of hate and I just thanked him for his opinion and told him I'll work on it and he replied nicely haha

Dear dawn, how do you handle with hate? will you be affected?

Not really haha aft awhile it doesn't affect me anymore. Just deal w it haha it's their opinion and u live ur life not them. It's up to them to judge it's either u brood over it and make u feel like shit or u can fuck care and live happily

compliment 5 things about yourself and complain about 5!

-I'm strong
-I'm super hyper
-I'm bubbly
-I'm friendly
-I'm really sentimental
However I think sometimes being sentimental and super hyper has it's cons too. Also I hate the fact that I'm very soft hearted and emotional. Lastly I can be very annoying
Liked by: Loysius

Do you and your bf celebrate monthsary?

No haha. I feel that anniversaries are more meaningful than monthsaries. We compromised by having 6th monthsary to commemorate half a year and then aft that it's the anniversaries alr

why enough neh?

Because having children means u have to take care of their finances and you have extra mouths to feed. I think I will stop at two so I can save up and provide the best for them and go on good and nice holidays next time. I would want to stop at two because I personally feel that two is enough. Even one child I also happy alr.


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