
Dawn Tan

Ask @Dtynx

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Could you please do an eyebrow tutorial? :)

I can try HAHAHHA it's not everyday that my brows are on fleek

so which means before he know you and he go you will forgive la ?

I don't think going to find prostitutes to pleasure urself is a good way but then again so is flings and I guess the only difference is there is money involved. Like before me he dk me so I don't give two shits about what he has done in the past. Everyone makes choices that aren't that great and are ought to be thought about. Why must I forgive him if it's before me? Not with me he do can alr what! As long as he doesn't cheat on me then it's all good.

What does good morning sunshine means? Isit the same as good morning love?

Maybe the person shines bright like a diamond so u call him/her sunshine

has a guy ever sent u a dick pic

....... Once on here (IFKR he fucking uploaded his fucking dick pic into an image hosting website and send a link thru here. GROSS LA) and a few on snapchat when I stupidly forgot to switch "can send you snaps" from everyone to friends. And like they were all so sloppy and disgusting -_- guys can I ask what fucking joy do u get when u send a dick pic. NEWSFLASH WE GIRLS HATE DICK PICS GET OVER URSELF


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