Ask @EMMM2

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Maybe worst bout girlz at skool ?

Well I will tell you a random story!
There was this very slutty girl. She acted slutty dressed slutty her makeup was slutty everything about her was slutty! She was so slutty her pictures were all over facebook in pages called "slutty girls.
I talked to her I was if you keep acting like this you will probably end up pregnant! SHE WAS ONLY 14!
She did not listen to me! She kept doing what she is doing. So I talked to her brother I said man you would better stop your sister I mean look at the way she dresses and acts! He was like do not worry I will never let anything bad happen to her.
So I told him bro your sister will end up being used for sex and pregnant he was like no I will never let this happen.
Well she managed to have sex with 3 different guys in less than 5 months! All of her boyfriends left her. She got pregnant! Now she is 15 but her kid died and it probably wont be a long time before she gets pregnant again.

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But like where do they do it like? I have to be home at 9 and I'm 15

Well I would like congratulate your parents for raising you well.
Other parents just don't give a fuck they let their 13-14 years old daughters go to parties get drunk and have sex and the parents don't even care!
They do it wherever I know a girl who did it in a park!
Another had sex behind tescos.
Another did it at a party.
Another girl at her boyfriend's house and another invited her boyfriend to her house and they had sex in her room.
If the parents cared a little bit it would have not happened but they just don't care.

But who is all the babys dads like. did they neva hear bout rubbers r the pill ?

Some of them are like fuck condoms let's go bareback
Sometimes they use a condom but it breaks.
Sometimes the girl is on the pill but it does not guarantee 100% protection.
People should really start using the pulling technique man!

OMG dats mad do there mams not know wat they r doin like n stuff

They do which is the sad part.
But they don't care their mother's are even sluttier than them.
Even if they were not okay with it what can they do she is already pregnant she is not gonna throw her 14 years old daughter out in the street.
I mostly blame the parents I mean your daughter is a fucking slut do something about it!

I tink its rumors that 12 yr olds r doin it i dunno any

Trust me there are a lot of things you do not know about the world!
I know a 13 years old girl with 2 kids.
A 14 years old girl with 3 kids.
A girl who lost her virginity at 13 IN A ONE NIGHT STAND!
A 14 years old girl had sex with 3 different guys in less than 6 months and gotten pregnant!
Yes the world is getting more fucked up each day!

Soooooo u lost ur v with beth very romantic :) and she lose hers with u 2? U think its best to wait 4 some1 u love or ?

ALWAYS wait for someone you love.
I mean NEVER rush into it.
A lot of girls are ashamed of being virgins. Why! There is nothing wrong with being a virgin. It means you are pure. You are clean. You are not like those other whores who go around fucking anything with a pulse.
I mean really girls having sex at 12 getting pregnant at 13-14!
Am I the only one who sees how wrong this is?
Why feel embarrassed if you are a virgin! To me it is a thing to be proud of.
Is in better than just losing it to a one night stand or a guy using you for sex only?
Or to a guy who met you at a party had sex with you and wont even remember your name the next day!
So yes diffidently wait. Some girls wait for so long they lose faith and just go turn into sluts.
NO! There will always be this guy that you love and feel like he is special enough to be your first guy!
And by love I dont mean you met him like 2 days ago and now you are in love with him. No. Just wait for a guy who really loves that would not just be using you.
So to answer your question Yes. Wait for the special person and do not rush into it!
Sorry it was long I just had a lot to say.

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your gonna be a dad

To be honest when she first told me I was shocked
I used a condom and she was on the pill because neither of us wanted this
But I am not gonna be the guy who gets a girl pregnant and leaves her! NO
That is wrong and I am not that kind of person
Her and I taled about it and if she decides to keep the child I will be there for her! I will support her every step of the way!

You the dad to Beth's kid ? X

Amber Garaty -smith:)
Well that is what she says but to be honest I do not believe her.
I mean she is always at parties and stuff doing god knows what!
How the fuck am I supposed to believe that I am the father!
She shagged like a lot of guys and as soon as she gets pregnant she comes to me and tells me I am the father!
She said I am the father because she does not know who the real father is outta of the 30 guys she slept with.
But she has big boobs that is why I did not leave her.
I am just using her for sex. I do not even love her.


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