Ask @EMMM2

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I am very happy now. You are actually perfect it's not fair

nobody is perfect Calvin!
<3 but you are so close of it ;) <3

Why do people insist on bring up past:/ everyone here likes you for who you are, none of us care if you are a lesbian, to be honest i just like seeing your response to lads that beg for sex:')

thank you so much
that anon has no life at all that he has been spending every single second of his life for the last week to make everyone hate me
and thank god he is failing
Liked by: RideMyTongue Eshraq

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so I am not leaving!
okay? you aint winning!
I AM STAYING! so fuck you
oh and i put my real tumblr in my bio so that anon can't say I am faking anymore!
Liked by: RideMyTongue


Lately an anon just popped up and he was like:
Hey this Holly girl seems to be enjoying life too much! Why don't I make her life a living hell.
Well then he started stalking and stalking and stalking
until he found this link:
well I think I have some explaining to do
you see I am internet famous
tumblr made me famous
the problem when you are famous that you cant be who you are. because you are afraid of people judging you!
so when I made an ask! I did not give all of info out
I said my name was holly I am 16 years old and I am from US Colorado!
I did not give anymore info or my last name because I did not want people to know that I am Holly the girl from tumblr! BUT YOU HAD TO KNOW! YOU HAD TO STALK ME!
this is why I did not give my whole info because I know that I would be stalked and shit! but you just cant leave a girl alone to live her life can you!
on Tumblr no one knows I am a lesb! because I was one with this guy and we broke up and now everyone thinks I am straight and expects me to like boys
because of me being famous on tumblr I can't be who I really am. the girl who likes girls! the girl who is sexual! I WANTED THAT! AND I LIKED BEING WHO I AM! but then you fucked it up
I am not fake but I am fake! I am not fake because I am Holly but I am fake because on tumblr I am not really who I am!
Thank you for ruining my life
and to make this less dramatic "I HATE DRAMA" I will include a picture of boobies :D

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For real tho theres actually people who like you here but do what you gotta do.

but the anon will make them hate me like he did to others

This is a place where people actually like you everyone compliments you and stuff i've met you and you've been super nice to me if people give you hate its cuz they're jealous theres no point in deleting everything im telling you this cuz im your friend stop the attention seeking schemes.

they win :D

em i dont think you realise im in love with you, come back on facebook, please.

I am on there! saying goodbyes! come now


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