
Edward Icewolf Nolan

Ask @EdwardIcewolfNolan

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If you could hug anyone right now, who would it be?

a certain person he/she knows who they are (cryptic messege is cryptic)

How many songs do you have in your music library?

TonksM’s Profile PhotoTonks Moriarty
12 :3 all lindsey sterling :3 but i have albums on youtube which are huge i don't want to go through them all :3

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5 Ask.fm people you would like to meet?

i know everyone i know on ask f.m. why would i want to remeet them i would like to meet jenbeer again but not sure bout other peeps

What would you like to see mankind achieve within your lifetime?

escape from the solar system and peace in the world

Is there one person in your life that can always make you smile?

deanna peskey but there would always be another if only i diddnt drive her away (dont judge me from this)


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