
Keaton Stromberg

Ask @Emblem3

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thanks its nice to feel like im not the only one. btw congrats on making top 12 im soo happy. when i watched the results and jumped up and my mom was like... they got through didnt they, i was like YESSSSS

Yeah haha!!! Thank you so much. xx
Liked by: Keat's Girl

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have you ever wished u could rewind and fix a mistake that now has massive consiquences.. sorry i know that random im just going through something at the moment

Yeah for sure. I think everyone in their life wished this.
Liked by: Keat's Girl

Hahaha. I'm not gonna lie, I do have a crush on you tho. But then again who doesn't? Based on our conversation your a pretty cool guy and your a great singer. I'm just not a crazy fan with a stalking issue. haha

Awwwww thank you. xo I see haha, it's geat. Love you. x

this is going to be the most personal questionu have ever been asked, whats ur fav food? i hope u can handle that :p

Pizzaaaaaaaa, no haha I like every food so I don't have favorite.
Liked by: Keat's Girl

Hahaha. If I were you I would be afraid of my fans because that's how some of them think.(not me) haha

I'm okay now hahaha.

Haha I know, I seem it and I was like WOW that's kinda personal too.

Yeah for sure it's personal thing, but for them that is maybe funny haha.

Lol. For example, when they ask if you would date someone or not, and if your a virgin or not.

:D Yeah, yeah. I was just laughing on it like an idiot haha.
Liked by: Mickey

Haha I like how you reply to coolio :) Like I see what some girls ask you on here and I'm just like wtf.

Haha yea, for example?

Do you ever get tired of all these girls in your bubble all the time??

Sometimes, but most of time I'm enjoying it haha.

I would love to hang out with you one day, you seem hella chill to be around, and I know we'd never have a silent moment, we would be talking forever.:) ❤

Omg, it's so beautiful. xo❤
Liked by: Mickey


Language: English