

Ask @EmilyViolet_S

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If you were really hungry, really exhausted, AND really gross, what would you do first — eat, nap, or shower?

Shower then eat then sleep.

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What kind of pet would you like to have in the future?

I've always wanted a hamster and a fish, but I have a cat. You see the problem?

Have you ever played tennis?

Yeah. I used to have a tennis court where I lived when I was a kid. I was probably horrible at it, but it was fun. I don't remember much because I was four, but yeah.

What band is your favorite at the moment?

One Direction and We The Kings. (But they've both been my faves for a long time.)

What is life like on other planets?

It's really amazing. The air is just so fresh. Ahh so refreshing. Also, the people are so polite and the fOOD. Oh god the food. Lovely.

Put your music on shuffle, what are the first 3 songs that come on?

My House- Pvris
Gives You Hell- The All-American Rejects
Colors- Halsey

What do you think about marriage?

It's not something that I want to do or ever plan on doing, but if they want to, then 100% yes I'm getting married.

What is the meaning of your name?

The name Emily is a Latin baby name. In Latin, the meaning of the name Emily is Industrious; striving. From the name Aemilia, the feminine form of the Roman family name Aemilius.

What great quote would you like to share?

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace. -Jimi Hendrix


Language: English