
Faisal Mashkoor

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Good luck to everyone who lives in Florida with the hurricane, I'm from uk and leaving tomorrow!!.

Yo real respect ,God bless homie ,Tc💯

Anyways fefo :p eza enta mesh sa2el brabna had eshe benk o beno , bs 3m b7kelak allah la ysam7ak la dnya wala a5reh. O bs tlef el dnya 3alek remember this ;). Good bye.

Esh agolek allah y3aglek msh ra7 ad3ee 3aleke
And so looong

Lol funny faisal really funny you can just keep being rude to ppl its who you are i dont blame you ☺️ ya seedi enta bte7ki enu you didnt maybe you didnt but if it is true ana ma basam7ak o allah la yesam7ak o bs 👍

Fufu the funniest ,btw if you care about some3etek and you really think I'm saying shit about the better choice is to work it out with fa tkebesh balaki 3alay with allah la ysam7ak w batee5

No it's not..ana ma batbala 3a ay 7ada im a 100% sure ma bastana menak 2e3tezar wala ay eshi i just wanted you to know 🌹

Dw i wont say sorry, im just saying it might be a miss understanding or it wasn't me cause i never talked about any girl in a bad way behind her back . its up to you if you want to work it out other wise dont bother me bkalamek okey ..

كون متأكد انو كل اشي راح يصير معك خطيتي لانك انت اجيت بعرضي و شرفي .و قد لعن الله الذين يتكلمون في أعراض الناس، فقال: {إِنَّ الَّذِينَ يَرْمُونَ الْمُحْصَنَاتِ الْغَافِلَاتِ الْمُؤْمِنَاتِ لُعِنُوا فِي الدُّنْيَا وَالْآخِرَةِ وَلَهُمْ عَذَابٌ عَظِيمٌ} مستحيل أسامحك و راح يجي اليوم و نتواجه .

Its probably a misunderstanding but if you insist (خالتك احلا )

That's great and ana Alhamdulilah good how's America with you? Hahahha Oxford isn't the same without you and haya

Alhamdulilah inshalla dayman. America is alright and yeah hahah things change.


Language: English