Ask @FetoonM

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alpic tb3k ??? y3ne albirthday !! l2no mktoob 21 w ente katba age 17 =s

ee tb3i o My Birthday La mktom * 2T * My Name .. mu 21 0.o !!

last movie you saw ? btw thx 4 the like

;'( Nothing mn awal abi ashof ;o bs ma l8et shy ! & No need For thank

Are you a Harry Potter fan? Who is your favorite character in the series?

Yes sure <333 , Harry Potter just ;') <333

My Question Of The Day: What's The Craziest Thing You've Ever Done? [ please ask & like today's winner @hieon for her really awkward situation that she shared with us -dies from laughter- ]

Raed Alghamdi
urQ : wallah alot =)) ;o ! Btw Thank u alot for the Q's (Y) mara jamela Mashallah <333 !

دعآء للتخفيف من ذنۆبڪ : آللَّهُمَّ إِنِّى أَعُۆذُ بِڪَ مِنْ زَۆَآلِ نِعْمَتِڪَ ۆَتَحَۆُّلِ عَآفِيَتِڪَ ۆَفُجَآءَةِ نِقْمَتِڪَ ۆَجَمِيعِ سَخَطِڪ ،، « ثۆآنـ¹ـ²ـ³ـۓّ *...*

jzak allah 5er

Something u imposible can forget it ?

Birthday Mannou =)) <33 .. & My Birthday Ams ;o <33 & Yom 6l3t m3 AO&MM <33 ;o =)) !

Maw8ef mo7rej 7a9alek m3a wald??

mu m3 wld 9ar li m3 she5 =)) ! mn 78en alhay2ah ;o
knt fe alMall amshi o ana6'r yesar o 8dami mmr o ana knt amshi sre3 mst3jla 8bl La y24n ;o
ela Fj2h aL8a Nfsi Fe 76'n she5 =)) ! 5b6t feh k2ni b36eh hug ;o =)) an6'r alshe5 o ana mns38ah aw5r 3nh aw La o hu ya 7lelh ybtsm li =)) ashwa ma shalni L jms alhy2h ;o .. Btw w5rt 3nh o 8mt a9'7kk =)) o 8al allah yhdek o ebtsm le i msha bs mashallah alnor fe wjha o mara 6yeb mu zy 78en alhy2a ele aw8at ykono shreren o bs ;D =)) bs wjhi kan a7mr ;o

لمآذا السينمآ ممنوعة في آلسعودية!؟ لأ أجد أي سبب مقنع لمنعهآ ؟ .. عطنا رأيك

على قولتهم عشان الإختلاط -.-
هذي هي اللسعوديه كلها مختلطه في كل مكان إختلاط وما فيه اي سبب يمنع السنمآ !
ومدري ليه ممنوعه ؟
وأنآ بعد ما أشوف أي سبب مقنع عشان يمنعونهآ !

Ha eesh jaak hadeyah ll birthday ? <L8afah +f9'awah ;p

Jani Lbs Dr ;'') ♥ .. And Mannou o fof nwor beti o h4a a7la shy ♥​ ;* ! O 2day Feh Gift mn My Mom o Lsa ba8i ahli ;;) .. Thank u L aL8afh =)))​

wsh akthr shy yghrk f al blackberry ( if u r an iphone user answer it about the iphone ) ?

Ibrahim AL- Fdama
BB . 1- Lma Y3l8 , 2- alFace h4a :) o alFace abu Kiss :* ! =)) mara bay5 shklhom zy kl zg aw Tslek =)) & Thaank u 4 The Q ♥​


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