Ask @FetoonM

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الا و رببي شي يموت من القهر ابوي قعد زعلان :( بعدين انتي ما حضرتيله حفله عشان يصير شي عظيم عندك :(

Ahmed Suliman AL-Suhaimi
=)) 5las wallah asFah ;o okay Mj shy 36'em !! ee ma 76'rt bs ashof Lh 7flat daym ;o alnet mlyan

*لا إله إلا الله الحليم الكريم* *لا اله إلا الله العلى العظيم* *لا اله إلا الله رب السماوات السبع و رب العرش العظيم* *اللهم إنا نسألك زيادة في الدين* *وبركة في العمر* *وصحة في الجسد* *وسعة في الرزق* *وتوبة قبل الموت* *وشهادة عند الموت* *ومغفرة بعد الموت* *وعفوا عند الحساب* *وأمانا من العذاب*

jzak allah 5er ;*

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Ella shy a36'm mn 36'em a7b ar89 zyh + its me :p ally 8al a...

;o m7d a36'm mn rabi ! wallah eni ma bket lma mat MJ ;o 3adi hu kafer b3d -.- ! bs en8hrt bs 3adi ma bket

Thanks 4 the likes ;* my Q ; ( maybe I should ..... ) ?

no need ;** .. urQ : Maybe i should forgetting <\3 !

What are the laws that you taken before taking action?

enu Lazm atwkl 3ala rabi , lazm akon wth8h mn alshy ele jalsh aswi <3 !

My Question Of The Day: did you have a nickname in middle school or high school? what was it? and why were you called that? =D

Raed Alghamdi
LOL !! ee mara kther kan li al8ab ;o .. Fe alMtws6 allah La y8olh kl al8abi t9'7k =)) bs kan a7la shy F.A.M , Lma R7t allThanwi 9ar 2T ;D o enshaallah bswi L8b mumyz o k4a 8reb <33 ! why idk 3adi a7s kl alnas y7bon alal8ab ;p

┐̄ ` ​النَوم مَوت أصغَر ..والٱسَتيقَاظ ولٱدةً منْ جَديد ، وفرصَه أخرىْ ..<3 عَندما نسَتيقظ : نَحتاج إلى وقتً لنتمَكن من الرؤية .. بوضَوح ولتعَود نبرةَ الصَوت لحَالها.. ولنقَدر على المشَي بتوَازن فكأنَ [ سَنوات الطفَولة ] تتلخّص فيّ اللحَظات الٱولىَ من كل صَصبااح <3 ومَع ذلك ,يبقَى كثير <~ كلآم كبير

:) bs wen alQustion ??!

What are you prefer individual rights or utilitarian approach ? and why ?

ndividual rights , Cuz a7s enu a7s o k4a & Thank u 4the Q's

Can you describe yourself, people, and me in three words? and do you want more serious questions or funny ones?

Yes , e7na *NAS* <- Three words ;p \ i want Serious Questions ..

What do you like the most, being hold t by handsome guy- Beautiful girl officer, or Ugly ones!! and why! you should convince me!

Sorry bs mu mara fhmt alQ ;o esh hold t by ?!

(ThanX For Who Like <3) ,,, Q : What Is The One Thing That You Wanted To Do In Your Life & You Did Not Do it ??

no need , urQ : alot Things ;D ma feh shy mo7dd bs alot wallah ;D <3

sorry guys about the previous question it wasnt clear coz im in class and im bored as hell. when i get home i will send you better one. sorry again,

La 3adi eshd3wah ;D .. Okay Waiting <3 ..

What is the craziest thing u have ever done?

;o n6l3 alCamera mn alshbak tb3 alCar ;p o kl ma tmr Car nsh3'l alFlash =)) LOOOL o Y5afon y7sbona n6'am saher ;o =))) mara mot3ah ;p !

what's your best way to Entertain your self ?

1- ad8 3ala a7d asolf m3ah ;p
2- ad5l
3-a6l3 aw aswi ay shy
4- a9wer ;D <333
5- Danceing
^ h4a e4a abi a5li nfsi mstansa o k4a ;p

My Question Of The Day: if you were to make a documentary or a movie, what would it be about?

Raed Alghamdi
7wl al3on9rya o alt39b ele Yswonha ben al8beli o ele mdri esh ;@ mara shy ,ut5lf o ybelh shr7 o aflam b3d ;o !!

Which would you choose, true love with a guarantee of a heart break or have never loved before?

true love with a guarantee of a heart break


Language: English