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What all of Dragnet's plan were you able to discover and what do you think he was trying to do?

I have no idea how to decipher PGP, but I think that Dragnet wanted to scare Adam and Jeff into doing whatever he wanted, most likely to change the plot of TT and EMH, due to a dislike of a certain part of the series. Then, he'd do god-knows-what to tell the world that he is our superior, and that we should do whatever he commands us to do.

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What has happened in TT that has blown you away or surprised you the most? You can have more than one answer if you wish.-W

Bridge to Nowhere was creepy by TT standards, and it was cool to see EMH collaborate together.
The Live Stream Incident was shocking, made sense, and was my favorite part of the series. I hope more time travel sequences happen later in the series.
Milo's Tape shows off how hard it is to be Mr. Scars, and I pity Milo now more than ever. Especially after he killed Cursor...
Also, in Mary Asher Phone Call, in the scene where Slender Man bullrushes Noah was the most terrifying scene for me. It shows how powerful Slendy is, and that we cannot underestimate him. Even now.

Theory on Persolus?

Though I am reluctant to say so, I must say that I do not know. There is no evidence to prove or support any claims that people may have on the entity.
Although there is something I just noticed. In HAPPYBIRTHDAY, if you look real closely to the left of the group shot of the Collective, shortly before the scene cuts out, you can see a bald man with blacked-out eyes. This is most likely Persolus, as the figure next to him has not been seen at all in the series. Considering that there are only a few people in TribeTwelve who are (or almost) bald. My guess is that Persolus is either Karl (likely), Sebastian (unlikely) or an aged Edward O-Conner from the future. Edward has only appeared once in TT, and it seems like he doesn't care about what's going on. Maybe he gets attacked and turned into a proxy by the Observer and lives alone as a hermit in order to avoid his life as a Collective member, and has aged a lot as a result. This is a wild theory, but it's all I got.

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Take your time to answer these. Theory on Deadhead?

Due to the fact that he speaks German, and is way too young to be Karl, (and joining the Collective before the Sentinel/Observer), my theory is that Deadhead is not a member of Noah's family or friends. I think that he's the Nazi soldier Karl met in WWII that was abducted by Slender Man. He's one of the black chess pieces, and the Nazi's aren't exactly good guys, so maybe Slender Man brainwashed Deadhead into believing that he is a god of the Nazi's or something. Thus, he wants to serve the Administrator in order to do what he believes is right, which is what Slender Man wants.

Which member of The Collective are you looking forward to seeing?

Swain is by far the one I wish to meet, because he seems to be an interesting member of the Collective. He's holding a brown bag, which is taunting me horribly on what's inside. Also, Firebrand mentioned something about Robert Asher, Noah's long-deceased uncle. He said that he would make sure that he would get the journal sent to Robert. How could Noah send the journal to Robert if he's dead? That, and considering that he's the lover could count that he loved his wife, Mary, until she killed him. So that's my theory on Swain for ya.
If you want, you can send me questions regarding Collective identities, and I'll answer to my best of my ability.

Why you feeling Scarface may be Arkham Knight? Just curious. You may give me details I haven't considered.

Well, Scarface has made appearances in Asylum as a hallucination, and City as a riddle. According to the stories in City, Scarface has been used as a pathetic slave by Joker, and Arnold Wesker is confirmed to be alive. If Wesker gets Scarface in the riot of Knight, he most likely will be trying to kill everything in revenge for his enslavement. It's likely that Scarface will appear once in the Arkham series, and this is his final chance to do so.

Which of the 8 Arkham Origin Assassins was your favorite?

In my playthrough, I've faced everyone but Firefly. I don't have a favorite yet, but I'll share my thoughts on all of them so I can still answer your question in a way.
I thought that the three Arkham villains we're familiar with, Killer Croc, Deadshot, and Bane looked actually pretty ferocious back when they were younger, and they weren't easy to defeat either (although I must admit that Croc looked pretty silly-looking compared to his other appearances). I thought that Deathstroke was alright, he's sort of an anagram of Batman, and the way you fight him is really unique. I don't really care for the Electricutioner that much, and was really boring. Shiva was okay, but I wish she was a little more of a challenge. Copperhead definitely impressed me with her mind screws. Not as good as Scarecrow or Mad Hatter, but close enough. As for Firefly...I don't want any spoilers about Origins, but if you could give me a word of advice/warning for when I fight him, that would be greatly appreciated.

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Can you write your name on a paper and take a picture of it?

I'll give you a photo of where I stand instead.

What about you? What do you think/hope for Arkham Knight?

For starters, I cannot wait for even a second for this game. It looks good, sounds good, and is answering many questions we had in the past. In terms of speculation, I must say that I highly doubt that Mad Hatter will appear in this game. The thing I've noticed in the Arkham series is that Scarecrow and Hatter don't appear in the same game, unless it's a minor cameo\secret, or a reference. I know that the two of them have collaborated outside the series, but adding Hatter in this game would kinda bash it in in terms of hallucinations. I could be wrong, but who knows?
Next up, the assassins. I doubt that any new assassins like Electrocutioner (indeed the worst of the 8) and Shiva will appear in Knight. If you think about the timeline of all 4 games so far, you can assume that Deathstroke, Shiva, and Electrocutioner have either been locked up, died somehow, or lost interest in Batman. The only assassins I can see coming back are Killer Croc, and Bane. They, along with Scarecrow are the only 3 villains who appear in the secret ending. Speaking of Croc and B ane, I think they will have much more major roles than in City. Bane will want revenge for what Batman did to him in City, and Croc still has Batman's scent. We also have to think about Scarecrow's relationship with Croc. The dude tried to eat him. Yet, he survived. So did Bane. Maybe Killer Croc spared Crane and found Bane holding out on his own, and the three decided to work together. I have more to say, but I'll reveal it at another date to keep ya guessin'.

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Same question you just asked me. Mad Hatter's hallucinations vs Scarecrow's Fear Gas.

Personally, I can't seem to be able to decide. In terms of effectiveness, both hallucinations are pretty much illusions for the areas that you're in, which I think is genius. Example: If you were infected with Fear Gas, what appears to be Slender Man bullrushing you is really just a swinging log. As for graphics...I really can't care much about both. They are both really cool-looking.
I'm actually thinking about creating a device that manipulates your mind. It doesn't hypnotize you, it just messes with your mind to make see and experience things that a person is imputing through a computer. So, you could believe that you are in Moscow, while in reality, you're inside an old church. What do yo think about that?

Not a question and assuming it was you who sent me the riddle, I have not ignored it, I am trying to think of an answer.-Wolf

Nice. Here, another hint: The answer has something to do with 3 days.


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