

Ask @FloatingQuaker

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Morning dude. Hope your day goes well. At work for now. Let me know if stuff starts happening. Have a good one.

I will. Good luck at work mate
Liked by: Wolf

When he was possessed during Thanksgiving, time warped to the future and murdered Kat, then brought back to the present covered in her blood. She was the chick with the goggles.

Oh yeah. I totally forgot about the Thanksgiving footage. Yeah, I guess that would be worsr than emoji messages. But Noah hasn't experienced anything in forever, so he must have forgotten.
Liked by: Wolf

Back me up on this. Isn't being forced to kill someone worse than having a twitter fight with someone who replies in emojis?

Well, how would you feel about getting messages in emojis? Pretty sure I would say the same thing in Noah's shoes, despite how ridiculous it sounds. Although I don't remember the part where Noah killed someone.

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So I'll just wait until someone sane puts the events together since I work practically all day tomorrow. Also, I'm definitely inclined to believe this is Future Noah.


So what the hell is going on? Reading the discord is hurting my head. I can tell something is going down tomorrow, but that's about it.

Same here man. The Discord chat is literally screaming random crap in a hyped craze, while Noah and the tweeter banter with each other.
All I know is that something's going down tomorrow, and you don't need to be a patreon supporter. That's about it.
Liked by: Wolf

Kendrick Lamar or Eminem?

Both are good, but I definitely prefer Kendrick. I grew up with listening to Em, and I think that a lot of stuff from The Marshall Mathers LP 2 is great. He's also amazing at freestyling, especially with "The Storm" during the 2017 Hip Hop awards. However, his earlier work isn't really for me. With Kendrick, he not only spits good stuff, has many different musical styles (despite only having 4 albums), but manages to impress me on all accounts. So yeah. Tough decision, but probably Kendrick.

are you a hypocritical person?if so, how far can you go?

What, are hypocritical people suddenly made out of elastic? Because I'm not entirely sure what "how far can you go" means.
Liked by: Wolf

Yes! I got Adam's permission to shout out TT in my book. I'm excited as fuck. Anyways, how are you my man?

Holy shit, that anonymous ask was you? Damn, I didn't see that coming. Awesome!
Well, I've been sick the entirety of last week, which ruined my chances of celebrating Halloween (although I would've had to take midterms regardless), but I've been good overall. Thinking about writing some of my own ideas, whether it be stories or poetry. I actually have an idea about writing a fanfic about how Scarecrow's character changes between Arkham Asylum and Arkham Knight, since that detail always bothered me. Other than that, things have been pretty good. Hope things have been good on your end as well.
Liked by: Wolf

Who from the site would you take on a summer road trip?

The excavation site of King Tutankhamun's resting place? Pretty sure that would be no one, since everyone who was there is now dead.
Liked by: Wolf

Are you a good liar?

I am indeed good at falsifying the false truth that tells us of our lies against humanity's truth, in order to protect those who spread true lies that have no meaning to the truth that lies to our face, and within our souls.

I don’t get why people are so idiotic and wouldn’t even bother to take their time to educate themselves from ignorance sadly society isn’t that way

Liked by: Raine


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