

Ask @FloatingQuaker

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What makes Despacito the most streamed song?

Thousands of people who just tune into the radio and sing along brainlessly and completely unaware of the song's lyrical content. Oh, and Justin fuckin' Bieber.

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You can send me literally anything at any time. And I promise to check it out when I can. Don't ever worry about sending something that could get to me. I know your intents are never malicious. Stuff getting to me proves I'm human. I hope you and yours are well man.

Same here for you Will. I'm just a little more cautious since I remember Syler having to do damage control for you when I sent something on this website. And I'm not exactly keen on having you go through something like that again.
Liked by: Wolf

....ranted this long. Forgive me for my anger. I just needed to vent and you're about the only one who would have an inkling of what the hell I'm talking about. Here's what started it. Rest easy man. Or try to.

Nikola and I have seen this ask. It makes me feel physically ill. And Nikola vented about it on Instagram. I'll send you a link.
I agree with you wholeheartedly. I'll admit that I've sent Adam stupid joke questions just to see what reaction I'd get. But not even I could stoop so low as to be concerned for the fate of a webseries more than the person who made it. It would be like if I phoned a friend of mine in New York during 9/11 to ask him: "Hey dude, is your car ok??? I'm so worried about what might happen to your car bro!!!" It's ignorant and selfish, and it just shows how skewed people's priorities are.
I had actually considered sending this to you earlier, but I didn't want to bother you any more than you may be with other things at the moment. That being said, you seem to have already found it, so I guess that's gone out the window.
All I'll say about this is that while there may be be people like that anon that exist, we just have to keep in mind that people like you, me, Nikola, and everyone else in the fandom have to give as much support as we can for Adam, even if he can't see it. I'm not a religious guy by any means, but I'll pray that Adam and his family get through this shit. They won't get out of it unscathed, that's for sure. But we can only hope the damage is minimal.

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Liked by: Wolf

Dude, a new ECKVA and a new OoT? Guys, my birthday is next month. All seriousness, I will be catching up on OoT after I take my GF home from work tomorrow.

Cool! I've got more OoT coming soon, so stick around! Excited for ECKVA as well.
Liked by: Wolf

Converse or Vans?

Light impaired
He turned around like a basin
Another runner at night
Light impaired
He turned around like a basin
Another runner at night
Light impaired
He turned around like a basin
roof drums
Indians in the summer
With a teen diplomat
In landfill sites
Like teen pumps
His way into his hat
A stone on my shoulder
Feel older
I jumped for joy
With this very unpleasant "
Hiking and whistling
California crashed to the ground
California crashed to the ground
Well, that was it
Light impaired
He turned around like a basin
Another runner at night
Light impaired
He turned around like a basin
Another runner at night
Light impaired
He turned around like a basin
Another runner at night
Light impaired
He turned around like a basin
Another runner at night
Some stupid sister
With the governor, gentlemen
He told me I need that
he said,
"I'll make you a son of something strong
Sounds funny song "
And Mozart's car
He checked the weather map
Look, if he is safe
And some early beads
He entered his hedgehog
And he wondered if I had to ride
California crashed to the ground
Well, that was it
Light impaired
He turned around like a basin
Another runner at night
Light impaired
He turned around like a basin
Another runner at night
Light impaired
He turned around like a basin
Another runner at night
Light impaired
He turned around like a basin
Another runner at night
Light impaired
He turned around like a basin
Another runner at night
Light impaired
He turned around like a basin
Another runner at night
Light impaired
He turned around like a basin
Another runner at night
Light impaired
He turned around like a basin
Another runner at night
Light impaired
He turned around like a basin
Another runner at night
Light impaired
She has come, but never strained
It will be at night

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May you have a wonderful day and may you eyes be shielded from the darkness of the day. I, meanwhile, will be invading the Fire Nation. Wish me luck.

Liked by: Wolf

I'm sorry you've been in a less than positive mood.

Well, I'm better now. I just have been having a lot of moodswings as of late. Not sure why.
Liked by: Wolf

Bored as hell at work. What're you up to? How've you been?

Clearing out a dishwasher while listening to Gipsy Kings, practicing piano, and maybe trying another OoT recording today. Not too bad on my end.
I've fallen into a bit of a less positive mood than usual. Not sure why. I would normally blame watching our country fall into ruin, but it really isn't that. But I hope to bounce back sooner or later. I often do.
Liked by: Wolf

If you could communicate with your pet for just a minutes, and they would understand, what would you say?

I'm sorry for abandoning you both

Are you a better talker or listener?

Well, I spout random bullshit out of my mouth every day, and I can't truly listen to anyone, so I guess I'm good at acting like someone else


Language: English