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How have you been lately my friend?

Well, aside from my cell phone randomly freezing and shutting itself down (never a good sign), things have been good. Came back from Canada/France a few days ago, and am settling back into Cali once again. Recording some more LoZ soon, and have been trying to convert myself into a nightcrawler once again. So things aren't bad on my end.
I wish you luck in finding a new job, and I'm glad that you and your girlfriend are doing well together.
Liked by: Wolf

Great news. I found someone that could translate Karl's journal. Assuming Adam doesn't just translate it once Noah gets it. I've recently learned one of my friends is fluent in German.

Well that's cool! We should introduce him to Nikola when the time comes! (He speaks a little German as well)
Liked by: Wolf

Well gents. Started The Twisted Ones today. And while I can't swear to it for certainty yet, I'm beginning to think Scott may be trying, at least in part, to use the books as a guide to understanding the story. Won't spoil, but the recent chapter helped answer a problem I had in my logic.

Wait, there's another FNAF book? If so, damn that's cool.
Also, don't know if you ever found out what happens on the fifth night, but this accurately represents my reaction to both endings. If you did, feel free to let us know your thoughts!

If you were a YouTuber, what would your videos be about?

Showing off cool games to my two Internet friends with some commentary.
Liked by: Wolf

Dude, the balls that Stan has to talk to him like that. Both epic and funny. At least to me. https://youtu.be/KOFSgQ7gezk

He's definitely surpassed Noah in that regard. Although Stan will never be able to get that reaction Firebrand got from Slendy when he flipped him off.
Liked by: Wolf

The UEFA Champions League Final takes place this evening. For which team will you be cheering?

The UEFA what-now?
Liked by: Wolf

So. Who wants to go first?

I haven't watched it yet, so not me. Can't watch it for another 40 minutes because I'm stuck at my mom's friend's house. I'll let you know once I get to it.
Liked by: Wolf

I'm fine with Lupos. Hey, take your time man. No need to rush anything. Find yourself the right one. I'm very sorry to hear about our friend. Send him my best wishes and prayers.

I will. And I'm a patient person, so I know she will come around eventually.
Liked by: Wolf

Life is Strange 2 confirmed!

Aw shit! Wish Nikola was online to hear this.
Unfortunately, he's going through a breakup right now, so he might not be online for awhile. But I'll see if I can get through to him so that he knows.
Also, this leaves me as the only member of the Lupos who hasn't dated at all. And yes, Lupos is officially what I'm gonna call us as a trio.
Liked by: Wolf

I don't think Adam would end it like that. He talks about his love for his vision for it so much. He's hyping up Sisyphus, he wouldn't do that just to troll is would he?

That's why I'm so convinced about my theory based on clues Adam's given on Tumblr. If Noah doesn't need a camera, how else can he see? Unless he becomes the camera...
Liked by: Wolf

Which is?

I'm not going to say it until S is released. I feel that if I told you now and my theory is correct, it would spoil too much of the fun. But until then, we'll see.

So Noah did a thing. Yes I'm reading twitter at work. We're dead as dicks tonight.

Welp, RIP TribeTwelve, 3008-2017. It was a great run.
Although this tweet makes me fear that my suspicions that I have based on one of Adam's Tumblr posts is coming true...
Liked by: Wolf


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