

Ask @FloatingQuaker

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I love how creative people are. The fact someone is animating Mark Hamill's Trump Twitter reads helps warm my heart. Along with of course my girl. They do that if not necessarily warming my hands as I type this. Can we get a "Spring is coming" meme started?

We just need some crazy event to kick-start it, and we'll be all set.
Liked by: Wolf

tone for this movie, kind of like Empire for the originals. And they're openly presenting that in their marketing. Other than that to me it doesn't say much. Thoughts on any of this?

Everything sounds cool, tho I'm wondering about Leia's confrontation with Kylo. Since he just killed her husband, what will they say to each other? And we know that Carrie filmed all of her scenes for TLJ, but if that scene is supposed to happen in the last movie, it's obviously not going to happen. With Carrie Fisher dead and all. All we can do right now is speculate.
Also, all this Star Wars talk reminds me...more Trumpster goodness right here.
https://youtu.be/pauJXxG4J1wFloatingQuaker’s Video 140287105090 pauJXxG4J1wFloatingQuaker’s Video 140287105090 pauJXxG4J1w
https://youtu.be/ELBucONX3u4FloatingQuaker’s Video 140287105090 ELBucONX3u4FloatingQuaker’s Video 140287105090 ELBucONX3u4
Liked by: Wolf

Alright gents. I'm in the mood to speculate. Since the logo and title of episode eight have dropped, I want to know what you guys think of the title, the logo, and Adam Driver's comment on if Kylo survives the new movie; “it depends on your definition of living.”

I'm wondering if Adam's fate will be something where he becomes trapped between life and death, kind of like what happens if a Dementor sucks out your soul. Or alternatively, he's just shamed of what he's done, and has to live with himself like Anakin did. As for the Last Jedi...well Kylo DID slaughter a quite a few young apprentices before the events of The Force Awakens. So maybe the last few Jedi left are trying to stop Kylo and Snoke.
Liked by: Wolf

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Name the ASKfm users, with whom you would want to go on a road trip for a week. Why them?

Likely Wolf & Nikola, since they're they're the only ones on here most of the time.
Where will we go? Well, we'll have to plan that out sometime. But the idea's always available.
Liked by: Wolf

Would you rather explore outer space or the oceans?

Oceans. Not that outer space isn't cool, but until we travel faster than lightspeed, it'll be next to impossible to explore without dying of old age. Plus, oxygen isn't a limiting factor out on the sea.

so, this happened on my instagram feed https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Wars:_The_Last_Jedi

Thou art prepared. Since this is the final film to feature Carrie Fisher in it, I think it's almost a necessity to watch it. My dad and I have it marked on the calendar.
Although I'm sad to see that J.J Abrams won't be directing this one (seriously, Alias is an amazing show, and so was TFA), but as a fan of Looper, I'm confident that Rian Johnson will do a great job with this one as well.
Liked by: Wolf

What's one thing that you would like to have in your room?

A portal to a world where I can see my greatest creations come to life
Liked by: Wolf

here's something i came up with today. recorded this bass riff loop in school and did the rest at home. should i try expending it? and yes, that's a totheark reference in the title. https://soundcloud.com/nikolamihaylov_tilde/lakes-in-stillness-will-take-every-life-in-the-night-test-thing

Damn, this has a great vibe! The bass riff kinda reminds me of the guitar in Schoolboy Q's That Part, very orange. And those drums add that jazzy flavor as well...
To answer your question, I would definitely look at expanding it in the near future. Great stuff!

As do you my friend. I hope you will have a wonderful life. You're awesome. And if you ever need someone to talk to I'm here man.

Of course. The same goes for Nikola & I to you.
Liked by: Wolf

https://youtu.be/1TB1x67Do5U You sent this to me so the song will be familiar. I said I wish I could believe it. Well now I do. And I can't thank you or @TribeTwelveReversed enough for standing by me and never giving up on me. Thank you, Logan.

You're welcome. Since Hurts operate in a dark realm that you seem familiar with, I hoped that one of their more positive songs would be uplifting for you. I hope things continue to get better for you, as I believe that you deserve a wonderful life.
Liked by: Wolf

What is your favorite animal?

In terms of pets: Cats. Huge cat lover, having owned two when I lived in Jersey. Would definitely like the ability to become one, especially if I were to look like Ripple.
In terms of wild animals: the loon. Such a magnificent creature, and reminds me of Canada. Probably because you won't find them anywhere else.
Liked by: Wolf

alright, i'm going to be honest and say this: adventures by kid cudi is a really good song in my opinion and i personally enjoy it. yes, the lyrics are weird (esp. the "wet and moisty" line), yes the beat is repetative, but i somehow enjoy it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zpAl5-_xrh0

You actually like this? Holy shit my ears...somehow they're still intact after hearing that trainwreck. Tbh, I'm really concerned for Cudi as a human being. He just seems to be legitimately losing his mind.
Well, if you like it, go ahead I guess. I'm not one to judge.
Personally I can't help but really like the hook on this song. Can't stand the singer as person, or any of her other music, but that hook is actually kind of fun to listen to.
https://youtu.be/qDRORgoZxZUFloatingQuaker’s Video 139966657090 qDRORgoZxZUFloatingQuaker’s Video 139966657090 qDRORgoZxZU

Would you rather suffer extreme cold or extreme heat?

I'll take the extreme cold.
Being Canadian, your definition of "extreme cold" is likely to be a sauna for me Ask.fm.

Anything you ever want to talk about my friend, fire away. Work is alright, and I've got a date today. Hoping it goes well. And hope stuff goes well for you.

*thumbs up*
Liked by: Wolf


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