

Ask @FloatingQuaker

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So I'm compiling a list of notable video game kills (bosses, actual characters) to create a trophy room in Minecraft, I still have over 40 games to go through and the list is almost up to 80 kills. If video game sins count against you in the afterlife, I'm fucked. I've killed so many people...

I will make it my personal mission to sell my soul to the devil to protect yours then. Will that kill my afterlife? Yeah. But I don't care.
Liked by: Wolf

i actually find DJ Khaled to be a pretty nice guy, especially after h3h3's video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DdobS107uxU

He does seem like a nice guy. Apparently he does a lot of crazy shit on Snapchat as well, so maybe I'll look fro that once my phone recharges.
I will say that I tried listening to Major Key. Didn't make it all the way through. Didn't expect to either, with features from Future, Drake, Nicki Minaj, Chris Brown, and Meghan Trainor. But maybe I'll give Khaled another chance.

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You missed the fact you're awesome. Or you already knew that before you came to this site.

I mean...I am pretty awesome in some regards. And I don't regret making this account. I do however, regret some of the weird answers I've left (and since deleted) on here. A person I know from my school viewed some of them, and understandably was alarmed at some of them. A lot of stuff happened in between that. Stuff that I won't get into at this time.
This is why I'm a little more reserved than I was a few years ago. Nothing against you or Nikola personally. I just have to remind myself that unless you're in the Dark Web (a place that from what I've seen, you NEVER want to go to), anyone can view anything online, and you will be judged by it. Call it shooting yourself in the foot. Now that I've done it, I've learned from it, and know what not to do on here.
Liked by: Wolf

Is there something you found out about yourself while using ASKfm?

I found out that despite the fact that I only ask and answer questions from 2 people, anyone can view my answers.
Liked by: Wolf

And now there's all this job pressure thing in eight grade too. Maybe I'll rush through this year with Autechre and I will try to notice less important things less. And not give a damn about family problems. I don't know. Anyway, how are you holding up, friend?

10th grade has been different this year. Much, much better, now that I've found the way to deal with certain issues.
I've actually been doing the opposite that you've been doing tbh. Been trying to support and learn more about my family. And trying to pay attention to everything that could be important. Last year, I learned that ignoring everything is gonna finish you. So I'm taking as many opportunities as I can, and getting help with the things that stump me.
I honestly suggest you do the same. I know that it may seem hard to do, but going through life ain't a walk in the park. Ignoring things is easy to do, but if you can get them done instead, it can help you get to where you want to be.
Liked by: Wolf

Imagine that world stands still for 24 hours, you are the only one able to move. What would you do?

Do as many things that I can before time starts moving again.
Liked by: Wolf

Alduin is dead. My armor is hung up. As is my sword and shield. I'm wearing a nice robe that Lucia gave me. And my final moments was me standing with my wife while the girls slept. Perfect.

Liked by: Wolf

Finished Mortal Kombat X. Tomorrow, since I can't get the final word for the Disarm Shout because of a bugged Thieves Guild Quest, I finish Skyrim. I'm on my way to see that Paarthurnax guy. Well, I was when the game crashed. Again.

Ah man. So close, but so cold.
Let me tell you something interesting about Paarthurnax tho. He won't be what you expect him to be as a character. At all. And also he's voiced by Charles Marnet. You know, Mario's voice actor. Also kind of cool.
Liked by: Wolf

Finished Dragonborn. That was an interesting trip. Now to go soul farming and then probably go through the main story and call it a game.

May the Th'uum be with you.
Liked by: Wolf

Going to be 100% honest with you, you got me with the laugh. Holy shit that is scary when you least expect it.

I felt that with the contents of the black book, it was the perfect response to what you said about how the read was.
Also, can we just say that Rikki's laugh would just fit within apocrypha perfectly? Just have his disembodied laugh randomly sound in the background with some FX layers, and maybe a little pitch shift/modulation enhancing it. It's be so creepy. but cool at the same time.
Liked by: Wolf

Why does the forbidden fruit always taste the sweetest?

The sweetest of fruits have the chance to be the most poisonous as well.
Liked by: Wolf

#ProudToBeABalkanBecauseFood https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ndm6QyXhGMc

This reminds me quite a bit of Anthony Bourdain's TV show called Parts Unknown. It's a really good series, and I recommend watching a few episodes if you can. If you're curious, two episodes that really stuck out to me were the episodes in Scotland and South Africa.
Liked by: Wolf

Found my first Word in the Dragonborn DLC. So far it's interesting.

Woot! Can't wait to see you discover your first Black Book. They are quite the read.
Liked by: Wolf

of. And it's sad.

That is true. It's also sad when you release how great they truly were. I didn't know Wilder and Bowie very well at all until they passed away. And now I wish I did sooner.
Liked by: Wolf


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