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intersections (interruption) https://soundcloud.com/nikolaelitsov_nk/intersections

That static sounds excellent. It's amazing what the most basic of guitar riffs can be like with some good effects and vibes. I dunno why you'd wanna give up making music man, you have a great style. Also liked that weird counting at the end. Also in all, 4.5/5, needs moar Aphex Cowbell.

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"Reminds me a bit of Decks Dark" Funny you're saying this, I was going for a bit "Fog" / OMAM type of a vibe.

Oh cool! There are some OMAM vibes, but that main melody reminds me of Radiohead. Still sounds cool tho.

This is literally the best news I could have gotten before going to bed; Grand Admiral Thrawn is officially part of the Star Wars universe! He is canon again!

Liked by: Wolf

Just saved Catwoman from Two-Face and heard the Joker. On my way to the building from which he shot the sniper. "Protocol 10 will commence is 10 hours".

I will admit that the game can be a bit challenging at parts. But it's worth it.
If you need help, Wolf & I know the Arkham games pretty well. I've only played Origins & City, but I've seen walkthroughs of Asylum and Knight. BatmanArkhamVideos is probably your best source for you as well. Good luck, and have some fun, yo.
Liked by: Wolf

Hey man, what does the question of the day say when you haven't answered it, and if you do answer it?

Same result you had. Weird stuff. Probably just a glitch tho.
Liked by: Wolf

Oh absolutely. 4.5 as well. Felt the explanation for the Walrider was a bit unnecessary and kind of killed the atmosphere a bit. But still a really great game.

Agreed. Also felt that the Walrider was a little to reminiscent of Slender Man. He's not a complete clone, but the idea of this paranormal thing going after you that you can't see through the camera is a little too much. It's still cool tho.
Liked by: Wolf

Finished Outlast. Holy hell was that stressful.

And it was all for nothing in the end...
Still a great game tho. 4.5/5 for me.
Liked by: Wolf

Which are you: very fun or just immature? What's the difference?

Nice. You're getting close to finding it...

Arson dude, who I will call Marcus, is the closest thing I have to a friend in this place. I killed Trager (and he stole my fingers), Tim and Allen (The Twins) want to eat me, Father Martin is shifty, and Fatty McDouche (Chris Walker) wants to kill me. Yay.

Guess we have our own nicknames. I'm basically going off Markiplier's names for them. Chris is "The Big Guy" The Naked Twins are the Naked Twins, and Arson dude is now officially Arson dude.
I will say that the Naked Twins are my favorite enemies in Outlast. They're kind of like a mix between The Chaser in Slender: The Arrival, and The Observer. They discuss what they want to do with you quite calmly and threateningly. and build up the suspense for when the break all hell loose on you. Dr. Trager seems too much like a copy of HABIT, the Walrider seems too much like a copy of Slender Man, and Chris Walker is just a boring, mindless hunk of rotting flesh. That is, when he isn't trying to kill you.
Liked by: Wolf

So Trager's dead. Got to the room the guy sat on fire, and is just sitting in, looked at him, sighed, and went "Same."

At least one guy in there is semi-intelligent. Trager doesn't count cause he's insane, Father Martin doesn't count cause his devotion to religion is weird, and the Naked Twins don't count because...well they're the Naked Twins. Need I say more?
Liked by: Wolf

How would you change your name to make life a lot more fun?

Go under my other alias and actually start creating some good tracks.
Liked by: Wolf

So I went and did a count of all the games/dlc I have planned, and the total is 135. That's counting the rerecords. Considering making that list public in a vid. What do you think?

Sounds cool to me.
Liked by: Wolf

That's odd. But reassuring, in a way. Been away a long time. Trying to break some bad habits. I guess we all have our pitfalls, right?

Colin Brinkley
I suppose I've had a few "pitfalls." Been trying to get up though, instead of staying down.

it's a neverending nightmare https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B1VEsS_RGjo

Seriously, how the hell did this dude get famous again? All Keemstar's done is bully people and tries to expose secrets about them.
Even if some of them (Bashur, Lionmaker,) turned out to actually have some deep shit covered up, he's just doing this to milk off the fame of being the guy who bullied the secret out of them. It also seems like he makes a lot of shit up in order to rile up fanbases, as seen with Yamimash.
Honestly, it makes a lot of sense that he's a Trump supporter. Hell, he's basically the Donald Trump of the whole goddamn internet. He's loud, doesn't think about things, does whatever he can to make people like him, and attempts to "expose" the people he hates. I almost guarantee that he's partially responsible for the huge increase in negativity in YouTube lately.
Bottom line: all Keemstar is a talentless fuck who does not deserve the amount of followers he gets for what he does. The less you say about him, the better.

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Liked by: Wolf


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