

Ask @FloatingQuaker

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seriously, fuck keemstar so much https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3N9UYcJkdIY

The idea behind his channel is stupid. 97% of the stuff he says on Twitter is stupid The feuds he has with people are stupid. And to top it all off. he's a Trump supporter. Somebody just incinerate this fucker and his Internet access. Please.

Seriously, if this guy becomes President, I'm giving up on humanity. http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/trump-us-must-start-thinking-about-racial-profiling/ar-AAhisuY?li=BBnb7Kz&ocid=ASUDHP

The page isn't available for some reason. But I can probably make a guess as to what he's planning.
In the same boat as you. Might even consider moving back to Canada with my family if he gets the nominee.
Something my dad pointed out about his followers tho: they all tend to be your stereotypical angry white people who don't want to be politically correct. And in a sense, I can understand that. Do I respect it? Not at all.
Luckily, the Republican support for Trump is diminishing quite a bit after what he said about the Orlando shooting. Romney, Bush, McCane, they all hate him. So I hope that people will realize he shouldn't get to be President, much less a job in the government at all.
The dude's nothing but a businessman. A shitty businessman as a matter of fact. He thinks that running the country will be just like running his own company, even if he's shown time and time again that he's awful at it. And also, that's a horrible mindset to have. People are people. Not business products, or giant advertisement boards. So yeah, if people are willing to regress and repeat history with this guy as our head of the country, we're putting the Chancellor Palpatine of our world into a position of power. And I do not want to live in the United Empire of America, thank you very much.
End rant.

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Liked by: Wolf

You woke up to that creepy ass thing too huh? Also, apparently One Minute at did a Sister Location vid. But my laptop froze video, not audio, like 20 seconds in. Sounded cool though.

I believe you're referring to GamerHangVideos. He does the One Minute at videos. Will check once I get back into the United States.
I honestly don't know what the hell that thing is. But judging from the words, it looks like the ghost inside might be some kind of parasite. Maybe it can change hosts, and possess other animatronics/things that have the potential to kill you That's my take on it.
Liked by: Wolf

It was for all of one minute, it was at the reception, and if I was possessed it was by the bride's dad. But at the same time I may have just been thinking I'll never have a happy marriage or was thinking of deceased daughter due to the song playing.

Liked by: Wolf

I'm back. Cousin is now happily married. And I may have been partially possessed by a ghost. But all is well.

Cousin married: A hearty congratulations.
Being partially possessed by a ghost: ...Have you tried communicating with it yet?
Either way, glad everything's good.
Liked by: Wolf

Alright man. I'm going to be out of contact for the next 36-48 hours. I should be back by Sunday. Have fun and behave the both of you.

Sure thing.
Have a good weekend.
Liked by: Wolf

Choose: Burn the roof of your mouth or get a papercut on your finger?

Probably the papercut. At least that would go away after a while. Fairly certain burning the roof of your mouth won't go away for awhile.

Not going to lie, I may wait for Skyrim Remastered to come out before playing it. Not that I have time. How are you doing?

Just stayed at an old fashioned inn with my parents on my way to Seattle/British Columbia. Nice and comfortable. I bet you'd like it here as well. So pretty much content here so far.
Liked by: Wolf

Fun fact: OK Computer is actually a loop. In the final song, The Tourist, Thom says "Slow down! Idiot, slow down!" before a car crash and that leads directly to the first song, Airbag, in which Thom is saved by "an airbag in a fast German car".

OK Computer, why are you looping my albums...?
In all seriousness tho, that's pretty damn clever.
Liked by: Wolf

In light of our friend's HABIT, I'm still totally ok with you guys calling me Wolf. That's beyond alright with me.

Yeah. Wolf sounds cooler to me.
Also, turns out you share your real name name with a former American actor. Just thought you should know.
Liked by: Wolf

Still working on the credits, but I'll tell you two myself since you are my closest online friends: my name is William. William Finley.


What is the next movie you really want to watch?

Not really a movie, but some kind of TV show/film or company that has enough time and money to combine the entire Slenderverse into one giant cohesive film series with dynamics between all the protagonists, and can allow for more crossover "things" between them all. And also give Adam the amount of money needed to drop out of that shitty job he has, and can work on everybody's series full-time. Maybe he can hire a couple of co-editors as well.
Also, the first film to cast Dylan Sindelar, Evan Jennings, Jeffery Koval, Adam Rosner, Vincent Caffarello, Ummet Ozcan, Theo Hutchcraft, Alesso, Dillon Francis, Calvin Harris, or DJ Snake as a major debut for a (good) dramatic film/fictional movie.
Liked by: Wolf


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