

Ask @FloatingQuaker

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Since I'm unable to film anything this weekend I've decided to make credits for both part one and part two. Any personal objections towards me revealing my real name?

None at all.
Liked by: Wolf

Well this is unfortunate. I was going to record stuff for Wolf Chronicles this weekend but my camera charger appears to be dead. As well as my camera. Hopefully it's just the charger.

Agreed. Good luck with whatever you're filming.
Liked by: Wolf

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So Michael's family just came back, then we switch to Trevor, in his underwear, on a island, drunk, and I'm counting four dead bodies. Somehow I'm not surprised.

Well...it's Trevor. What can we expect?
Liked by: Wolf

You and B are my go-to Skyrim gurus. Most grateful.

No problem. I was able to watch an over 200-long Skyrim LP that covered most of what the game has to offer. So I know a fair bit of how the game goes. All I've got to say is that the more shouts you experiment with, the more fun you have in combat.
And also. If there's any DLC worth getting, it's Dragonborn, without a doubt. Not gonna spoil anything, but I can safely tell you that you'll be afraid of your local library after you get through that thing.
Liked by: Wolf

Similar question to one before: what are the advantages/disadvantages to becoming a werewolf?

Advantages: You can become a really large wolf-like beast at will, practically invulnerable, and can move super fast.
Disadvantages: It's only temporary, needs a recharge, and you won't be able to get the "Well Rested" status ailment. Also, everyone will want to kill you.
Liked by: Wolf

I got to looking at the homestead page, holy hell. That's a lot of work. We're talking like days worth of work. Also my friend B already gave me an idea of whom to pursue.

Liked by: Wolf

From Angry Birds, are you more Red, Chuck or Pig?

I don't use that app anymore. Nothing but a pointless, tedious, and somehow addicting use of your time.
Liked by: Wolf

Also, what are the advantages/disadvantages of becoming a vampire? (Dawnguard DLC also owned)

Fairly certain that you catch on fire in daylight (unless you wear a hood at all times), and that you need to keep consuming people's blood to stay alive. That's really it though.
Liked by: Wolf

I've recently been informed that marriage and adoption (latter courtesy of Hearthfire DLC which I have) is possible in Skyrim. Confirm/deny?

Liked by: Wolf

GUYSGUYSGUYS WOAHWOAHWOAH Seriously though, I jumped when I saw this. This fucking stare... http://scottgames.com/

It gets worse. You'll see in a second.
Also, the thought of a robot harlequin. Why. Why does this exist. And why did Scott call it "Baby"?


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