

Ask @FloatingQuaker

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[Gonna be 100% honest with you, I'm not sure we know what goes on in our heads half the time. But thank you all the same.-S]

No problem.
In case you need it, here's some R3hab.
https://youtu.be/a_IJ_STKeCIFloatingQuaker’s Video 135097278274 a_IJ_STKeCIFloatingQuaker’s Video 135097278274 a_IJ_STKeCI
Even tho I know he loves classic country, I figured it was better than actually going to a rehabilitation center. Just couldn't resist the pun.
Liked by: Wolf

http://thenimbus.tumblr.com/post/140940294900/when-noah-was-yelling-to-himself-in-the-car-was I did not even think of this at the time. But I like it. A lot.

I did somewhat draw parallels to Firebrand berating Noah when I first watched Crawlspace, but I feel like it's more of Noah's just beating himself and crying while Firebrand's laughing at him at the boardwalk. And at the end when he's trying to reassure himself that the journal is still there, I feel like it's just denial to keep from going over the edge.
I just realized that the time between Fortunes and Crawlspace shows an inversion of the 5 stages of grief. Noah accepts that he's in this situation after HABIT visits him, becomes depressed and mentally unstable during Fortunes, bargains with the Journal, himself, and the Collective constantly, gets angry and upset when the journal is taken, and then denies what just happened at the end of Crawlspace. So Noah's been living the 5 stages of grief in reverse this whole time. Or maybe I'm just overthinking it.

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Liked by: FloatingQuaker Wolf

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TIL that there's a 2xLP, clear vinyl pressing of Beneath the Skin. Click on "More Images" to see the vinyl pics. https://www.discogs.com/Of-Monsters-And-Men-Beneath-The-Skin/release/7303475

Seems that vinyls are becoming popular again. Looks pretty cool, tho I sorta wish there was a deluxe version, so you can say that you have Backyard on vinyl. That would be awesome.
Btw, if you're wondering about the Geogaddi visions, I'm gonna listen to it tonight, and post what I see for Ready Lets Go, Music Is Math, Beware The Friendly Stranger, and perhaps Gyroscope on Tumblr. I'm gonna divide all my track visions into separate posts, since it's impossible to document the whole album on one post.
I will say that the early parts of the album show me parts/classes of my old middle school that I was part of the 2014-15 school year. But starting with I Saw Drones, there's very few areas that look like places I've been to before. The areas are all different each time, each with a very different color and vibe.
In the Campfire Headphase, and Tomorrow's Harvest, the areas were different, and there were somewhat different colors, but all the tracks take place in this one area, with similar vibes. Geogaddi is constantly changing, and there's no vibe that's the exact same as the last. And while I can tell Geogaddi takes place in some dark place that nobody knows about, the changes are so diverse that you can't even tell where you are, or what it is anymore. That's what I truly love about Geogaddi. So expect that coming up.

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Liked by: Wolf

[Beginning to think your friend is an emotional masochist. He decided to end tonight's reading on the two characters fearing being separated from each other for all eternity. And his empathy issues are wonderful with that kind of stuff. Any ideas on how to help this problem?-S]

Uh...take him to rehab?
I"m not entirely sure what goes on in your heads all the time, but maybe you should look at calming him down and let him think. that's all I can say.

Production update: most scripts of The Wolf Chronicles are written and I've obtained a working PS3. Although I'm not sure how I can set up recording where I put it. How are you guys doing?

I just did a fitness test. So I'm tired, but I feel pretty damn good about myself.
Been thinking about Geogaddi, and some ideas regarding scriptwriting about a random Fran Bow sequel, and potentially a dumb, but promising idea for an ARG I had last year. Am also listening to The Knocks's debut album, and some Magic Man on the side. So that's on my side.
Liked by: Wolf

Great news: even though production still is halted I am able to keep my promise of a video a week up through July 10. Am I crazily stupidly dedicated to keeping my promises on this stuff? Eh. Probably.

Liked by: Wolf

So guys, slightly terrified, someone I work with watches my content. Not sure what to do or how to feel about that.

If it's just a coworker, just ask him what he/she thinks of it, and if you should try and tone it down in case it could potentially get you fired. If it's the janitor, don't give a fuck. If it's the boss...apologize profusely.
That's all I got. Sorry.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8_ODghRTeyQFloatingQuaker’s Video 134951123010 8_ODghRTeyQFloatingQuaker’s Video 134951123010 8_ODghRTeyQ
Liked by: Wolf

Do you think dogs are really man's best friend?

I do prefer cats more than dogs, but I will say that canines are man's best friend.
Liked by: Wolf

What kind of music calms you down?

FloatingQuaker’s Video 134933099330 2jTg-q6Drt0FloatingQuaker’s Video 134933099330 2jTg-q6Drt0
Liked by: Wolf

How come some of the greatest songs are under the Deluxe versions of their albums?! Milky Chance - Feathery https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLhuNbO0egU

This is why I always try my best to get my hands on a deluxe version of an album. You always have a chance of missing really good songs like this. And this is really good.

What's your favorite font?

I really enjoy the OCR-A font that Firebrand uses in most of his messages towards Noah. I actually downloaded the font onto my old computer so I could use it back then. Don't have it anymore though.

Here's how weird a friend you have in me: A conversation with my grandmother- Me: I'm anxious enough to the point of literally pissing myself. (Stops to think about it) Actually I should probably take care of the literally. Gram: Probably.

Liked by: Wolf

Laptop updates gents: it's fixed. Mostly. My editing software is gone so I need to replace it. My Internet security needs replaced. But all finished videos and all files are still there. But until those issues are rectified (mostly due to money) I'm halting my production still.

Good call
Liked by: Wolf

I actually enjoy listening to John Oliver. But I cannot actually use my face cam yet. But I'm going to a local shop (trust the guys there, they've helped us out before, very nice people) to try to get it fixed today. But I'm really looking forward to seeing that.

you'll love it man, trust ne

I'm being released today. Please inform Nikola.

No problem.
If I can get him off that badass electric guitar that he's been playing around with.
Liked by: Wolf

Ok, gotta ask, what'd you guys think of Crawlspace?

That video was creepy as hell. The fact that we got to see the Boardwalk in a completely different light was one of the coolest things ever. Not as trippy as HABIT's realm, but that's ok.
And also, I never realized until now, but Rikki Dorian Audax is actually scary as the observer. Just seeing the Observer as a non-CGI human being is unnerving and terrifying. However, I don't like the voice that Observer has. Yeah it sounds scary, but it also sounds...unfitting for a character such as him. But that's just me. In a way, it does make him scary.
This video shows how hectic Noah's life has been for the last few years. It must put so much stress on him. And he also seems to have completely forgotten about his Twitter & Ask.fm blogs entirely, which is news in it of itself.
The teleportation sequences have me thoroughly impressed. It must've taken Adam forever for him to make those edits. And I respect him for that.
But now I have questions. Why is the crawlspace under Noah's desk? There was no foreshadowing to this whatsoever, and seems to come straight the fuck out of nowhere.
What is Milo's journal? Is it Mr. Scars possessing it, or is it an entirely different entity? And what does it want from Noah? Does it want to help him? Does it want to annoy him to death? And if so, why?
And probably the most important question of them all: How did Noah get Milo's journal back from Slender Man, and how did he open it? And did he kill the entity inside by doing so?

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Liked by: Wolf

Bronchitis triggered my asthma symptoms hard. Rock hit bottom damn quick. But like I said I'll live. No way I'm abandoning my friends or missing Noah's month of hell in the crawl space.

Lemme tell you, the new TT is T.R.I.P.P.Y. Glad you're ok tho.


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