

Ask @FloatingQuaker

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If you could restore one broken relationship, which would it be?

A relationship with a classmate of mine that I sorta messed up from the start. Not gonna say anything about it, except for the fact that I have terrible social skills with most people that I care about.
Liked by: Wolf

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Just finished watching this and GAWDAMNIT, that was one helluva ride. Also, quite posibly one of the greatest trailers. Doesn't show a lot and it's straightforward. Gotta say, enjoyed the found footage film feel a lot. brb, watching CinemaCins' vid. https://youtu.be/IvNkGm8mxiM

Well then.

Well, want to give you the link but it Ask won't let me. But Adam answered a question on Tumblr that's as close to him confirming Swain's identity than just outright saying it. So all that's left is the enigmatic Deadhead.

Yeah. I saw it.
I sort of am annoyed with Adam for doing this, since I wanted his reveal to be more of a surprise.
But this raises a lot of questions. Why would Sebastian be referred to as "the lover"? He doesn't know anyone from within the Asher or Maxwell family, and he doesn't seem to have anyone else aside from himself.
And on Formspring, Observer mentioned that he was long dead, but he never specified if Sebastian was was actually Collectivized. What's Sebastian's deal here?

Would you ever pick up a hitchhiker?

I don't pick up random people up off the side of the road that I don't know. It just doesn't happen.

Fun fact: in GTA Chinatown Wars for the Nintendo DS, there is a Deadmau5 radio.

At least it's a choice other than hip hop.

Hey guys, do you remember the AlphaOmegaSin rant video about this motherfucker? I guess he went completely ape shit crazy and I'm just speechless. https://youtu.be/kcdAsDqCPQM

These people are absolutely stupid. Anybody who tries to use God to justify their actions and words have already lost respect from me. But this? Makes me think that guy belongs in an asylum.
What people do in certain countries does not cause awful events like what happened in Paris to occur. And if that guy really believes that, I think he's full of shit. So if he says anything else about France or Death Metal, he's gonna really get hammered.


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