

Ask @FloatingQuaker

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Keep in mind I may be totally wrong. I didn’t think of it either, until you brought up Mary trying to get pregnant again. Then it was like lightning hitting me.

I dunno man, I think you're on the right track. Dreams can symbolize so man things.
Liked by: Wolf
+1 answer in: “That potential revelation combined with a some comic on Adam’s tumblr about a woman losing her baby. Guess who’s mood just went sour and will now be up longer to get that out of his head?”

That potential revelation combined with a some comic on Adam’s tumblr about a woman losing her baby. Guess who’s mood just went sour and will now be up longer to get that out of his head?

Yeah. That's...both sickening and disheartening. I didn't even think about that idea. The fact that Milo has no idea what the dream means (and likely won't know until he's much older) is even more depressing. How's he gonna react when he finds out?
I guess it's what Adam said on Tumblr: the sad has only begun.
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Man. Mary sure does get around. https://twitter.com/tribetwelve/status/965076391585828865

Now I understand why if Cursor would be found with a "venereal disease" if she were to be searched. Seems that Mary was one hell of a sex addict. Or maybe she was trying to conceive another child? Maybe to sacrifice to Slender Man instead of Milo?
Anyways, one thing that I really wanna know: how and why does Mary have the Severance symbol on her hand? Did she put it on herself, or did something else do it? And since we know that Severance is a powerful symbol...what can she do with it? What has she done with it?
And it seems that Kevin might be able to see Slender Man too. We know that Kevin becomes the Observer, but could there be other things Slendy needs him for?
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Seems like everyone is crazy about football, are you also into it?

With the exception of watching Superbowl commercials, not really
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What makes you feel really uncomfortable?

Having a dream where all the light on Earth, including sunlight and artificial light suddenly died, leaving us in a dark place that makes you wanna panic. Knowing that you wanna see something in front of you, anything, but you can't, and never will.
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I think you’re right about it being related to Mary’s safe. Just need to find out where it is. Milo showed it during Milo’s Tape, so hopefully he wrote down where it is. Still no desire to see Jumanji 2. Also need to get original on dvd.

Well, whatever floats your boat I guess. And good luck finding the DVD.
Liked by: Wolf
+1 answer in: “Hello clarification. Also, really curious what those numbers are to and why Firebrand told them to Milo and not Noah. https://twitter.com/tribetwelve/status/963626796825632770”

Hello clarification. Also, really curious what those numbers are to and why Firebrand told them to Milo and not Noah. https://twitter.com/tribetwelve/status/963626796825632770

So Slender Man, the Observer, and Firebrand have all been trying to make Milo do certain things. Must be pretty crazy to sort out.
Pretty sure Observer and Slendy were responsible for teleporting Milo to where the journal was, causing Karl to go apeshit. Still think that Observer was the one Milo was talking about in Virus (him writing in the journal's pretty much a dead giveaway) and it still could be Robert who visited Milo in the hospital. After all, there's been no clarification what that was.
As for the numbers, the best guess I got for them is that they are the code to Mary Asher's safe. Obviously, they can't be a date of some kind, and we haven't heard much about the safe since DEUS EX MACHINA and/or Milo's Tape. Since Firebrand knew that Noah would need the safe to see what's inside, he told Milo the combo, and pointed at the journal so that he'd write it down, allowing present day Noah to gain that knowledge before he knows what it is. A shot in the dark I know, but I think I'm close.
Also glad to see Milo has also watched Jumanji. Classic. The sequel was pretty damn fun too, in spite of what the trailers might make you think.

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Was Milo spelling niece? If so, what the hell? I thought Milo was an only child

Pretty sure he is. Don't know how he could have a niece.
But man, are we not gonna talk about the fact that Karl basically kidnapped his own grandson and tried to shoot him? Jesus Christ. I know that ammunition box is pretty damn important, but trying to kill a family member over it seems way over the line. Looks like Sharon Maxwell wasn't kidding when she said that Karl was going senile. And keep in mind that out of all of the Collective members, Persolus is the most sane out of all of them (Adam ranked the Collective's sanity from 1 to 10 on Tumblr, with 1 being sane and 10 being insane). That does not bode well for the rest of the family.
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Do you want a pen with a hidden camer to take pictures quietly of what's happening around?

No, because 1. That's overly tacky. And 2. What would I even do with those pictures?

I did catch it. I’m not as excited as I have been for the other movies, but I’m willing to give it a shot. Looks cool.

Yeah, same here. Nit much to go on, but it seems pretty legit. Tho I'm super hyped that Woody Harrelson is in it. One of my favorite actors ever. Also am really interested to see pre-Cloud City Lando as a gambler.
Liked by: Wolf
+1 answer in: “So the guys who are adapting Game of Thrones to tv are now signed on to Lucasfilm to make some Star Wars films after they finish season 8 of GoT. And already the Internet is both loving and hating it. Thoughts?”

So the guys who are adapting Game of Thrones to tv are now signed on to Lucasfilm to make some Star Wars films after they finish season 8 of GoT. And already the Internet is both loving and hating it. Thoughts?

Having never watched a single episode of Game of Thrones in my life, I don't really know what to think. I mean, I know there's dragons, a Red Wedding, and other things. Willing to see what they have up their sleeve tho.
Speaking of Star Wars, did you catch the new Solo trailer? It aired during the Superbowl.
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