

Ask @FloatingQuaker

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What would you most like to do if money were no object?

Buy all the DJ/studio equipment I can get my hands on. Then I'll buy some keyboards and guitars to work with as well.

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Foud this on my Ask: "I watched all of the Big 5, except MarbleHornets, which I'm watching now." Sorry, I forgot that you were watching at this point. I thought that you were starting to watch. My apologies.

I haven't watched MH ever since 2014. Something I need to do this year.

On which entry are you on MarbleHornets? It's just out of curiousity, since you've mentioned that you'll eventually start watching MH.

I...don't think I did say I would start watching MH.
And to answer your question, I watched a couple of entries (don't remember where I stopped), but got so bored that I just gave up.

It IS a game, but an episodic one. I don't mind watching instead of playing, but people sometimes make scumbag choices.


Right after the end of episode 3... I highly reccomend yout to watch the eps if you feel down. It does play with your feels. I am serious, I almost teared up. And that soundtrack... Mogwait - Kids Will Be Skeletons https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZR_-8kxcuaA

I thought Life Is Strange was a video game...
Either way, pretty calming guitar tune.

I was gonna send you an Ask about Noah's tweet. Guess Wolf is very fast. Fifth anniversary. Looks like TT will have a longer timespan than MarbleHornets? Adam is cooking up something great. Judging by the Tumblr post he made before Fortunes, we'll feel much more sad about Noah. Really curious

There's this one post I saw by Adam that has me curious. He's predicting our reactions. Here, take a look. http://thenimbus.tumblr.com/post/103181012155/on-a-scale-of-1-to-11-how-screwed-is-noah-going-to
He's been right so far. My reaction was VERY similar to that of the first gif. It makes me a little scared, considering how many gifs there are...

New tweet from Noah. And it's the five year anniversary. Damn do I feel bad for him.

Yep, I saw it.
Noah's completely in the Woobie stage right now.

Welp, I didn't saw that the channel was made back in May. Funny thing is, that I never heard of it before.

I discovered the channel just yesterday. I think MatPat just set it up, and is just now telling everyone it exists (along with 6 vids). I don't watch a whole lot of movies, but hey. What could go wrong? Looks cool to me.

If you could choose a different time period and place to be born, when and where would it be?

I would be born on Mars in the future cause that's where everyone's gonna be someday


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