

Ask @FloatingQuaker

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If you won a million what would you spend your money on?💰💰💰

Nothing. Keep it to myself and use it only in an emergency.
Liked by: Wolf

Since we're a month in, I'll leave the option of spoilers to you. What did you think overall? Are there things you want to talk about that you liked or didn't like?

Overall, TLJ was excellent. There were a few characters that I thought could've been expanded upon a bit more, but it just goes to show that you don't always need big duels between a few characters.
There were some super funny moments as well, mostly thanks to witty banter, and some visual humor. I also really liked how the film pointed out some of it's classic tropes and deconstructed them in order to build a new moral for old and new fans to enjoy.
Carrie Fisher's final performance was most certainly an excellent one. Mark Hamill also did an amazing job. There were also one character that appeared that I didn't expect to come back in a million years, but whose role was executed absolutely perfectly. I won't say who it is directly, but I'll see if I can give you a hint.
Speaking of unexpected things, there were quite a few twists I didn't see coming, all in the coolest of ways. Won't go into detail tho.
All in all, thought the film was great! Go see it once you get the chance man, it's a wild ride.

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Liked by: Wolf

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Do you have a person who can make you happy? If so, who is this person?

That tall guy staring out my window right now
Liked by: Wolf

Is it worthwhile to introduce financial planning lessons in the school curriculum? If so, from which grade?

All of them.

Care to do a time conversion for me? I'm East Coast. Also is there any other specifics of what is happening? Also, not even out of January and stuff is going down. Adam may make good on his promise.

Think it's 1 AM your time. So keep your insomnia ready.
Liked by: Wolf

Would shark cage diving interest you?

What am I, Hulk Hogan? No, shark diving most certainly does not interest me, and likely will not interest me in the future.
Liked by: Wolf

God dang it all. I want to write it off as it'll be bad, but the trailer looks good and it's written by his creator. Blast it all. https://youtu.be/ySy8mcceTno

It looks interesting. I'll give it that. Can't really say anything else tho.
Although I do have an idea as to some kind of Slender Man plot. Imagine if the POTUS and his Administration became aware of Slender Man, and was taken by him. Then the whole world would be aware of him, and have to take steps to defeat Slender Man. But it's Slender Man. So what's going to happen?
Liked by: Wolf

What song is stuck in your head today?

Tigura21's joke cover of this. By the way, I thoroughly recommend Smash King as a machinima, seriously the best series on YouTube you will EVER find. Yes, possibly even better than any Slender Man series. And that says something.
https://youtu.be/gqnqWvpFEV8FloatingQuaker’s Video 144262317378 gqnqWvpFEV8FloatingQuaker’s Video 144262317378 gqnqWvpFEV8


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