
Georgia Lovei

Ask @GeorgiaLovei

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h/o brianna bonnington

We used to be good friends, I liked her and no problem with her until she started being mean even though I had never targeted her or had a problem with her. I believe she started it because I wasn't friends with her best friends and I get that she wants to stick up for her friends because that's what friends are for. I never went out and publicly shamed her or spread her personal secrets so I don't know why she has sunk that low. I'd refer it if we could all get along, I don't want to be friends because I'm past that. I just wish that she had the maturity to get along civilly 😏😏

most people would have taken her side lol

Do I give a shit? Hahahahaha👆😂😂😂
Thanks for the laugh mate

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why are you telling people you almost hit brianna?

The few people I have told was that she was being silly and packed a rage that she tripped and got in my face and almost hit ME 😂 If she had I would have wanted to hit her back. But I'm trying to behave in school, parents are real strict this year 😃

How are you "getting the fun"?

If "getting the fun" implies sex then I guess when you find someone you loves and it feels right go for it.
I'm lucky to have an amazing boyfriend whom I am wildly attracted to and he's attracted to me ❤❤❤

What did the last text message you sent say?

Idk my phone broke. But it was probably me saying goodnight and I love you to me boyfriend.

What was your first paid job?

I started off as a dish hand in our family restaurant. Now I'm a waitress

h/o of meeeeee o.O

Dion potaka
broooooo you've been in my form since year 9 and tbh form isn't form without you.
you're crack up.
you tell me some real screwed up stories of the shit you did in the weekend.
you always ask Sheldon for lollies and then ask me for a drink.
you and steph were the most.. unexpected couple ever but now that you guys are together I can't see you guys apart. yous are adorable.
get out with all your guys cuteness and shit hahahahaha
you're GC man
Liked by: Dion potaka

What do you usually forget?

My little cousin Ava was begging for the chips... It was so adorable. I want to wrap her in bubble wrap and take her home with me✌

What is something you want right now?

I'm craving two things.
They both have one thing in common.
They come from my man

Stop talking shit about me and my friends Georgia, because at the moment you seem like an obsessed bitch :-)

says you hahhahaha you make me laugh. you tell me not to do it and you all are doing it too and trying to hate on me. well bitch, it goes both ways

What is your main rule?

that if you dont want your secrets dished out, don't dish out others. two can play this game bitch.. and I have 3 different people's secrets as amo.you have 1.

Is there anything you see that no one else notices?

I see a sea of nice people and then in the middle some judgmental peps secretly scowling and judging those around them behind their backs like they are better than everyone else. you're not so stop hahahahahaha

What are 5 things you love?

I love seeing the fake ones.
I love to hear rude comments when they do worse themselves.
I love being able to smile because I know I dont care what you say, yet they try to bring me down anyways haha
I love atm ♥

Do you like long hair or short hair better on others?

I want to grow my hair out.. but I straighten it too much :( uggggh

What are the things you always take with you?

it's pretty shitty how krama gets you ae hahaha you do something shitty to someone and it bounces straight back my friend.
learn to handle the jandle


Language: English