
Cloud Haidura

Ask @HaidoraCloudBL

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I thought Atem died , And the millenneum items dissapeared .. But I heared that Kaiba will meet Atem in the new movie .. so , Atem is not dead ?!!

//Atem isn't dead.
Btw, I don't watch yet.

Ah right .. I mean , he died ? or just jumped back in time ?

//Do you ever watch DM?
The ending isn't so complicated..

"oshiete oshiete yo sono shikumi wo ..."

//Worst Opening Ever.
The voice sucks and the rythm is slow and boring.

Are you a Yu-Gi-Oh role player ?

//Yep, I roleplaying No.96 (from ZeXal series) with another account from two years and something.
I'm a big fan of all 5 series/generations and I have so much DM cards and, maybe, other stuff.

// Capisco...e mi dispiace molto. Non hai alcun modo di convincere i tuoi genitori ? Per andarle almeno a fare una visita...?

//Ma quale convincere.. non ne sanno nulla e comunque i genitori di lei... meglio se non ne parlo, non so spiegarlo mica come/quanto chi li ha davvero... e poi Napoli - Mantova.. pls
Liked by: Alex


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