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I may be bipolar and everyone seems to hate me and I don't know why

try being and nice and don't show the mood swings

I have a crush on this guy right but i dont know if he likes me back.We have texted each other but then he just stopped texting me.What do i do?

um try starting a convo and if you can feel a connection you should probably ask him out.

Can a show ye ma penis its cos its small and a need tae t lit a girl see it so please help

no you cant?

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i dont doubt that my boyfriend loves me but i know he has a tendeancy to flirt with other girls and it really upsets me, weve been together for 2 years and we are in love, but his best friend doesnt like me and i dont want to make him take sides but his friend sends me nasty texts what do i do

don't reply to the texts and act as if nothing happens you don't ruin their friendship and on my point of view every boy has a tendency to flirt so you're okay. and that's it :)

how is the secret safe if i may ask unless you message each other

because you have the choice to be anon or not

im the one wiv the crush and the prom and stuff but were mates so if he says no the wat will i do wiv my life huh?

you can move on, its worth risking trust me

I tried talking to him but he totally blanked me and it just really hurts what I have done cause I did go out with his best mate but I have no idea that he had feelings for me as he was in a relaionship when I was with his best mate

well then if he blocked you he now has hurt you too so you're even ;)

What could u do to get people to just fuck off being at u all the time like my life is bad enough I don't need people calling me gay all the time like I would live just to show them that I'm not so what should I do ?

tell them to fuck off.. and if your a boy and someones calling you gay get a girl at the same moment the bullies are talking and kiss her ;)

things are getting so hard. it feels like everything is just crashing down on me. i have too many scars already and im going on holiday soon so i have to resist the cutting so nobody sees them after my last lot have healed. my family are always so angry at me for no reason, i cant take it anymore:(

okay heres the thing.. NOTHING and i mean NOTHING is worth harming yourself for. you are beautiful. ask your friends whats up? and ask your parents if you did anything that made them angry? ask before you decide. and stop self harming because your gorgeous and you have earned my love x

A guy has liked me for two years and I have told him that I don't love him a I have know broken his heart and I sore him crying and I feel horrible I just don't know what to do

i've did the same thing to a guy before.. but he liked me for 3 years anyway, what i did was start talking to him and starting the convo and just being nice :)
Liked by: Shannon Lowrie

They tell me in ugly, a whore, slut, fat, etc. one girl even told me to go kill me self...

Liked by: Shannon Lowrie

it is getting really hard for me to hide self harm cuts/scars from my friends and family, I don't know what to do, do you think you could help me?

yes i can help you. do not self harm yourself your worth a lot. It’s often good to think about the emotion you’re feeling when you want to self-harm, this can help you come up with a different way of dealing with it.
Have look at the reasons why people self-harm, do you identify with one of these? You can use these feelings as a way of thinking about some new coping techniques:
Feeling angry?
You could try: screwing up paper and throwing it, snapping twigs, running, doing some exercise, squeezing clay, hitting a rolled up newspaper on a door frame, screaming, crying, or a cold shower.
Do you feel like you hate yourself or that you’re not good enough (low self-esteem)?
You could try: having a bath, listening to music, burning incense, phoning a friend, writing, painting, or listing good things about yourself.
Do you feel like you can’t control things in your life?
You could try: organizing something, cleaning or tidying, solving a puzzle, setting a target time (e.g. saying you won’t harm for 15 minutes, and then if you can last, try another 15 minutes).
Do you feel numb or like a ‘zombie’?
You could try: being around people who make you feel good, craft activities, make a photo collage, focusing on something like breathing, playing an instrument, baking, playing computer games.
Do you feel like you want to escape from your life or a difficult situation?
You could try a hot or cold shower, drawing on the body with red pen, massaging lotion into the places you would normally harm, squeezing ice cubes or biting on lemon for the “shock factor,” or painting nails.

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Liked by: Shannon Lowrie

please I want to see what you look like im pretty sure you can delete it after a while if you think someone you know will see

i just posted my picture and deleted it

not neccasseraly I mean some people might do but if anyone gives you hate they are assholes anyways

yep exactly.

I used to (months ago) be a really bad self harmer and now I have councelling but they suspect I may have a personality disorder and my behaviour is affecting my relationships with my friends:(

oh my god im so sorry.. im sure you can overcome whatever it is you're going through! talk to them and socialize.. it can help!
Liked by: Shannon Lowrie

i hav a crush on this guy were only in year seven and lot of people hav been saying tht we suit also at prom people sed he kept on looking at me........ but im scared to ask him out wat should i do and wat if he says no

well if he says no you're still too young your heart wont get hurt.
Liked by: Shannon Lowrie

The person closest to me is going through the the same issues with another friend and it's breaking her heart, I don't want to upset her even more but I feel like after all this time I owe my friends the truth

you can tell each one of them ' i want to talk to you ' separately and tell them, but what kind of secret is it? do you have to tell everyone?
Liked by: Shannon Lowrie

i hav a crush on this guy were only in year seven and lot of people hav been saying tht we suit also at prom people sed he kept on looking at me and his bezzie sed he does still fancy but i feel like hes flirting iv other gurls so im not sure wat to do............. plz help!!

you can try asking him out? :)
Liked by: Shannon Lowrie


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