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I think hes going to ask me out soon (that's what everyone said) but I think it's just cuz he feels bad. What should I say if he does?

well then ask him
do you really wanna do this?

I asked out a guy and he said no. I can't get over him. I love him so much but he doesn't love me. It's been a year I used to cut myself over it. He feels so guilty all the time and I'm so depressed. I just want him. Ik I won't be happy without him. He used to be my best friend but now we don't talk

1. NEVER cut no matter what
2. if he said no then your probably too good for him
3. you HAVE to get over him no matter how long it takes
5. yes he should feelguilty, let him feel guilty cause you basically sacrificed ur skin for him
6. just try and be firends, keep it in the firendzone, start by going like "hi:" or something
love you stay strong
Liked by: Shannon Lowrie

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today was the last day of school, next year i will be going to high school,, im soooo scared, and nervous, what do i do there? how do i keep my rep good, and make everyone likes me ?? cuz in middle school i had ALOT ALOOOTTT of haters and my rep was sooo bad :////

Did you do anything to make your reputation bad? You can start a new page and try and be sociable.

but the problem is, the school is done, we graduated, and we're both MOVING :'( </3 ,, so what do i do???? i start liking him now :3 , we've been best friends since long time, and he always told me he liked me, but i didn't like him,, and we kissed alot of times :3 :///

are you guys still close? Tell him you wanna meet him.. eventually he'll tell you he likes you again then you can tell him how you feel.

Explain to me whats wrong with guns if they calm you down

Okay by guns do you mean the weapon or like muscles?

What if the guns help me to calm down when im angry or sad which is a lot??

NO THIS IS WRONG ABSOLUTEKY WRONF. If your mad draw or write it out :*

All I can think about is guns and tyis girl that's way out of my league what do I do??

Well keep thinking about the girl and stop thinking about the guns. No ines out of your league we're all the same so take the risk :)

Hey. I'm a 14 year old guy, that just got out of a relationship. I like two girls. Two girls I don't think will like me back. I don't want to date them yet, but I can't stand being in the friendzone. I like them equally. What should I do?

How do you like two girls? Well theres a sayimg, the one you liked first isnt thebone you liked right now since you gave some of your feelings to the other one. And you have to pick one. If you wanna get out of the friendzone you should probably ask one of them out so you are happy :)

My best friend just passed away about 4 months ago (my grandma) and I miss her terribly.

Pray for her and talk to her in your mind thats what I do with my grandpa.

Hey,I'm 12 years old and I have a crush on this guy but I don't think he like me back.Another thing is that I'm awkward like really really awkward! He's 13 and I just don't know I feel odd with my friends.I haven't had my first kiss whilst they have had it and have had boyfriends.Idk what to think!

Just give it a shot! Go for it and make the best out of it

I'm bored as fuck so I'm doing honesty night, starting now. Spam for spam too? If you get this I follow you:)))))

Hi :)

I feel really insecure in my relationship. My boyfriends ex is basically his description of a perfect girl, and they dated for years! He recently told me that he'd ONLY JUST got over her, but we've been dating for a few months? I think he'll always like her, eventhough he doesn't admit it?:(

If he left her for you, than you should know that youre better than her. Thats why he left her for you. You are beautiful just the way you are, and if he's still with you and shows you the love then you should be capable of knowing that your his only girl.

yes, she knows that the girl doesnt want her to go

Look, i would talk to her and ask her if its okay with her, if you get the feeling that she's not olay with it then its better not to go.

i've been invited to a party on saturday, and i was meant to go with my friend but the girl who's party it is doesnt want her to come, i feel bad if i go without her but i really wanna go, what should i do?:(

Does she know she isnt in invited?
Please be specific.

I really like a guy, but idk if he likes me

Well, ask some of his friends to talk to him and you have to get closer to him, so you can know if there is a connection.

I really like someone but he has a girlfriend :( but I think he likes me

Then he'll come for you, be patient.


Language: English