

Ask @Hi_im_sydney

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What was your favorite subject in school?

I am still in school... Uhm it was literature but they dont have that in highschool so Science I guess or Civics ( History)

If you had to pick one place in your town to bring a tourist, where would you go?

idk I no nothing of Omaha. In duncan, I would go to the chisolm trail I guess idk

What business is the dirtiest?


Do you remember your first day at school?

Yeah.. It was a few weeks ago x if u mean like kindergarten no not really o;

What’s the most scared you’ve ever been?

My heart was pounding and I was scared for life. So I woke up in the middle of the night one night. And I was laying in my bed and all of the sudden I hear the front door opening and like dude. Anyways I started hearing footsteps come closer and closer so me being me I hide under my blanket and I'm life or death situation LOL xD so anyways the footsteps keep getting closer and closer and then my door opens okay I was about to die here like u could hear my heart beating and then the footsteps start coming toward me and Idr how but either I pulled the blanket off or my dad did or I hear my name Idr but it was my Dad. Turns out he went outside idk why and was coming back in the house and was checking on me yeah I was so scared

Would you rather live in the mountains, or by the sea?

Uhm that's a hard one, hmmm well there both magnificent places to live because there beautiful and there also both right by natural disasters but yolo so uhm well Idk both probably or the beach idk mountains are so pretty though but the beach like woah

What do you think are the world’s three greatest cities?

Idk but ima tell a story so like yesterday in Science we are talking about earthquakes, volcanoes, plate tectonics ect. Anyways so like try found 30 ft I think maybe more 100 idk lol but they found A TON of ash in Nebraska and underneath all that ash was a bunch of fossils and skeletons of animals. Boom volcano. So like Idr everything but we talked about when Mt. St. Helens blew up which was like huge and how there was ash and stuff 800 miles away or something xD anyways the scientist say that if YellowStone blows up it will be like 500 times more powerful than Mt St Helen's and my science teacher said that, that is like putting 8 miles high of TNT on Rhode Island. So if YellowStone, which is a few states away, blows up the entire United States is dead well maybe not Alaska and Hawaii but everyone else. :c Yeah I'm scared now O and not to mention last year in history when we learned about nuclear bombs and how if your in the main target of where it hits your just gone in a blink of an eye because you disenagrate... That's scary o.o Yeah I am scared now

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