

Ask @Hi_im_sydney

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The storm was amazing ^~^ But OMG, The Walking Dead was intense and amazing last night. Had me in tears in a certain spot ;)

It was but it was scary xd I was blowing up Katherine's and bullards phones Lmfao and I need to watch it!!!

Lol alright :D I'll text you tomorrow morning. Just finished watching The Walking Dead so I'm off to bed now XD Goodnight Sydney.

THIS STORM OMG but I literally forgot so I'm gonna watch of from DVR or next Sunday :p but okie dokie talk to you in da morning

I guess Josh is fabulous Lolz. He listens to Avenged Sevenfold! \m/ But Sam is way more fabulous ;) He smokes and does weed like me :) But I'm on my way to recovery now from cigarettes lol, I'm trying to quit now :D

good!! I told you bout that on snapchat ;p text meeee!

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because at Friday night, i was sparring with someone else at taekwondo and the other guy round kicked me and i tried blocking it with my shins, but instead he kicked me on the knee hard qq ;(

That sucks :( you should've beat him up
Liked by: shiv t 1M

pretty sure he didn't, lmao Anthony dated the girl not jaan.

SOOO... Anthony dated a girl and then another girl named Millie and when he and the other girl broke up sent pictures of he and Millie kissing and shit?
I think not anon
Liked by: t 1M Matthew

LOL and you call jaan a player. you've been revealed with your long ass list of ex's lmao

okay Jaan
please list this so called long list of exes
Btw a player is someone who PLAYS people, I'm pretty sure I don't do that
He was the person who dated a two people at the same time and then sent pics of them kissing so (-:
Liked by: t 1M Matthew


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