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Hello this is teen opinions. Post opinions relating to anything NON GROUP/ASK/SUB RELATED. Anything like film, music, tv, current affairs, pop culture, etc. Controversial or popular. Conversing about stuff like this drives people closer so why not.

Teen Opinions
Lol no

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So who have you trusted?

Kinda funny how the question of the day was who knows you the best
Now, I've given this some thought and decided to answer this seriously. I will almost definitely sidetrack though so...
Now, as I said, not many people know very much about me as I tend not to tell people very much. Maybe 2 of my closest irl friends know some things about me and that's it in terms of rl. However, with the internet being the way it is, we as teenagers tend to talk to strangers online and find out we have stuff in common and become friends. I find it easier sometimes to tell people I know online only stuff because I don't know them irl and I don't have to deal with the knowledge that they know deep shit about me which I prefer and I'm sure many others do too.
Now, as people do this, you start telling your internet friends more and and more and you eventually tell them things you probably shouldn't because you forget about the boundaries you should have. With the amount of talking to internet strangers we do as teenagers nowadays, we must be very wary.
To answer your question though, I guess I trust a couple of close irl friends and some imternet friends but I shall not name names.
Also, I think this is my first long serious answer that isn't a thoughts on

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HAHAHAHA i like how u have downgraded from "would get beaten" to "could take" UR STARTING TO UNDERSTAND MY POWER

pls im just taking it easy bc we r universe dominating partners
Liked by: James Sarah

Impressions of Sarah, Sarah, Emily and Kate?

Sarah- something something special snowflake
Sarah-dhruv is swole af and could take me in a fite
Kate- inm nothyre drajabanj
Emily- insert awesome af drawing here
Liked by: James

can i come even though i'm not drunk :---)

But srs sidenote to brit kids : guys we should so have a meet up for real one day, it would be the best thing ever
Liked by: lonesoldier09

sad a dutch person has to translate but ok, im a man of very many aka one or two talents

Teach me master


I'm gonna have a guess and say this is Kate
There is nothing planned but we should so have an England meet up! It would be the best thing ever
Liked by: lonesoldier09 James


Language: English