

Ask @ImaneAbdennour

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Eidkum mubarak xD! Where is my money ;p? Yalla everyone pay up!!! ;p It's Eid! Time for your wallets to feel lighter and my pocket to be fuller .. ;p! Hehehehe

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I don't wana burn in hell over any sins that i committed in my life. What's a guaranteed thing i can do to save myself from hell ?? Jizakum Allah khair.

i don't know . i think you can't garantee that .

So i asked for nasheeds and a lot of you sent me Musical instrumental nasheeds ;p!!! I mean, jizakum Allah khair for trying to help me find nasheeds and all, it was partly my mistake since i should have said " No musical instruments ", but oh well... Thanks again <33! LOL xD!!!!

i didn't send u anything , so ..

Remember brothers and sisters, today is Thursday and so inshaAllah try to fast on this day. Because it's a sunnah of our beloved Prophet Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah ( Sal Allahu alayhi wa salam ). Wa jizakum Allah khair for reading and have a blessed night <33

Liked by: unknown

Three golden advices : 1- Love your mother and treat her well! Honestly be there for her and dedicate your life making her happy. 2- Read the Mus-haf Quran, EVERY single day, even if it were one verse. 3- Pray Qiyam Ul-Lail, atleast two rakats EVERY night. Wa Jizakum Allah khair for reading <33!

tnx :))

haha it's alright only one year left for you to begin the dream ;) ... Since when you first thought about being an architect?

naah , it's so hard here to do it . emm about 4 years ago , it came from nowhere :p . what abt u ?

Oh bacaloria right? Well this is gonna be my first year of architecture <3 :D Am so damn excited lol :p

yes baccalaureat ^_^ .. sooooo jealous right now :'''')
Liked by: Raggatrip.ॐ

yii an architect like meee :))) You're in which year? x

yeey , i can share my dream with u :p
i'm in my last year at high school , and u ?


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