

Ask @ImaneAbdennour

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Cap de rendre à ceux qui aime? Dernier message reçu ?Ta plus longue relation amoureuse ? La dernière musique que tu as Ecouter ou Entendu ? Ton age? Ta classe? Bleu ou vert? Facebook ou skype? T'as des tatouages? T'as des piercings? Couleur de tes yeux? Le sport que tu préfère? Tu fume? En couple?

'Coucou imane , j'espère que tu vas bien , passe moi svp le numéro de Malika '
1 an et dmi
Wael Kfoury - Bel gharam
16 ans
Après les vacances , 2ième année lycée
Marron clair

Cap de poser cette question à ceux qui aiment? Ta tenue d'aujourd'hui? Ton dernier sms reçu? Prénom préféré? Animal préféré?Tu veux des tatouages? Des piercings? T'as un lit une place,deux? Ton style de fille/mec ? Tu préfère une vie luxueuse ou une petite vie? tu peux rendre une autre question?

Pantalon bleu , ballerine , sweat grise + foulard
'Coucou imane , j'espère que tu vas bien , passe moi svp le numéro de Malika '
Une place
Modeste , intelligent , aimable + une bonne mentalitée et le physique je m'en fou
Une vie pleine d'aventures (je sais pas c qui pr rendre ^_^)
Liked by: MrAiiGHT

) what’s Ur fave quote ! ... 2) Do you like traveling ! & where Would U like 2 travel ! ... 3)Who are some people you’d like to meet someday? 4) What’s the first thing you notice about people?

1/ I have many , but i'll choose this one : " It's better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not "
2/ Yes , i do ! I would love to see Palestine and Italy
3/ My futur husband and some friends that i know just from internet
4/ Physically : Eyes / Mentally : Their way of analyzing things and the way of speaking
<3 Sara <3
Liked by: ش. Sarah!

Dude!!! What does that have to do with learning from romantic movies;p? It's like your saying romantic movies are so beautiful and then all of a sudden saying " I see dead people!!!" ;o

Hehehehe that's what i personnaly leaned , ur not getting what i'm saying :( ; i saw in lots of movies girls that have BFs and being desperate at the end of the relationship .. Always the same end .. When problems began , the relationship is over .. But when ur married , u will not end the relationship because of silly problems like the first couple , ur not getting it , right ? :(

What can i learn exactly ;p??

Hehehe , i don't know .. It depends .. For me , i learned lots of things , such as : boys are chaters :p no , kidding .. I have always this mentality that Allah will arrange everything for me , and everything will happen when Allah decides to , that means that i must wait for my futur husband to come , and to love him and getting his love back in HALAL .

Cap de poser cette question a ceux qui aiment ? Complète les phrases avec se qui te passe par l'esprit : "J'ai envie de te ..." ; "Je dois allez ..." ; "Il parait que mon ..." ; "Mon corps ..." ; " J'ai fais ..." ; "Pourquoi je t'ai ..." ; "Mes cuisses font ..." ; "J'ai envie ..."

Je dois aller pour boire mnt car j'ai soif
Il parait que mes yeux sont malades , je dois visiter un docteur
Mon corps est complet HamdoliLlah
Pourquoi je t'ai donné la chance de me trahir ?
Mes cuisses sont normaux
J'ai envie de finir mes études

LOL! I do care about you say, but not about romantic movies :P!! I'm a guy! That would effect my masculinity xD

Hehehehe no , of course not .. Romantic movies are not just for girls , u can see how ur sexe and the opposite sexe react in many situations , and u can learn from it hehehehehehehe
Liked by: ش.

NP=No Problem hmmm so i'm ...it depends on the story but i love love love films which has scientific invenyions ooh love it ^_^

hima44’s Profile Photoibrahim Elsaber
Ahhm , okeey .. Aaah okeey , that's interesting ... So , u have a scientific spirit , don't u ? Personnaly i like all kinds exept : history films , horror films , war films ; apart all that , there are many things that should be respected ^_^ ;)
Liked by: ش. ibrahim Elsaber

Do you like romantic series ??:P

Yeah of course :p Hhehehe , u don't ? But u know , it depends on many things , i dn't like when it's tacky
Liked by: ش.

ok u NP...hope u r happy nw ...i'm good thnx ...^_^ do u like Romantic series^_^ ?

hima44’s Profile Photoibrahim Elsaber
What NP means ? HamdoliLlah ^_^ ... Yeah , but it depends on the story and the acting , u know ! and u ? What kind of movies/series do you like ?

3likom elsalam...Nice answer ^_^ me in a vacation now just from the Collage ...but Start new course in "Programming" at 1/7 in cha2 Allah.. i'm 19 and 6 monthes ,,i'm engineering student ^_^ wante to knoe more about u Incha2 Allah ..ok or not ?

hima44’s Profile Photoibrahim Elsaber
That's really intresting .. B tawfi9 inchaaLlah ^_^ i'm 16 and 3 months and 9 days .. Yes suure i'd love to i'm ok


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