
Lizzy ❤

Ask @Irock0193

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What is the most difficult age for you? How can we avoid these difficulties?

teenage years and it is realllly hard to avoid difficulties as puberty and peer pressure comes along and new ideas such as skipping class, doing drugs, self-harm, changing one's appearance due to insecurities and bullying, etc. You can avoid it by evaluating who you are without anyone's input and focusing on just school.. and friends who are true and if its hard to make them, don't put all your attention on that

If you had a warning label attached to your head, what would it say?

I always have my guard up: don't think I won't figure out what you're up to

When you go to a movie, do you like to sit in the back, middle, or front?

all my friends like back , so back lol sometimes middle

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Are humans truly creative, or do they gain their ideas from prior observations?

depends. some people create something out of nothing, soo... and others are influenced by artists and stuff.

What's your favourite thing to do at the beach?

sit in shallow and feel waves or stand and feel waves

What could be your reasons for discontinuing friendship with a person?

if they tried to flirt w my partner or put me down verbally to my face or behind my back, continuously or once depending

Do you think someone likes you and if you know for a fact they do ,, do you like them backkkk????

lol no

I don't have any specific question , so you can tell me one thing that doesn't know anyone else


Why do fools fall in love?

cause that's one of our heart and mind's functions, other then the physical realm. and plus, humans are fools.

What is your favourite attribute about yourself???

I'm very empathetic. legit everyone vents to me these days.

What is your favorite fanfic? Do you like them actually?

I just laugh at them with my Youtubers as their fans always make dirty corny weird cheesy ones

What do you think of cheaters (in romantic relationships)?

people can change, but you should also know when to walk away or when to let them know what you're gonna tolerate if they wanna be with you.

Is it easier to forgive or forget?

forgetting is also a part of forgiving, and the hardest. thus the saying "i can forgive you, but i will never forget what you have done". so yea forgiving is hard, but forgetting is even harder.

Ever wanted to say someone something but couldn't say it???

i end up saying it usually.. as i'm hesitant before but i overcome it

So you do things without considering or caring about the consequences right?

I come here for the entertainment of these questions lol this website dying out already tho


Language: English