

Ask @ItsRouba

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Dude ur so tall haha I don't know u that well but u seen really nice and cool to chill with so we should talk more !!! :D

hahhaha aww yea we should x

bio bout maya nouf gheed duha rania dalal and rotana (mke em short)

Maya, Gheed, Duha , Rotana; already did bios on them x
Dalal: She is really sweet and nice, we share alot of inside jokes and she envys my height aloott haha she is also very honest wich is very rare to find in ppl these days alssooo she is really pretty even without make up and I love herr <3
Rania: Her and her messy hair are sooo ccuttee hahah <3 we r really good friends, and rania hablaa alot lol we share alot of hate for ms 5rudy and many others , her and nouff are crazyy but i lovee them♡
Nouufiee: yyaaa333 I can't even stand her jk lol she is funny, really nice zn5a kteer we have a small part of us that knows we hate each other sometimes it goes but sometimes its there and it's strongg lool la la 5las 7ram okay nouuff ur amazing don't lsn to what anybody says to you unless it's me hahah xD they r just jealous hoes and btw ana msh jealous xD love u bbyy♡

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rite a bio on the three gurlz ur always with in break or class lyk the one with the wite hijab and the 1 with the wierd teeth and the one who is short and she has straigt hair.

okay white 7jaab hahaha xD duhaa myy 7shesh buddy I love her soooo muucccchh SHE IS SO GOOD despite how annoying she is most of the time she is still ahhmmaazing she is so frickin hilarious like im not even kidding we can't stay 2 mins tghtr without laughing like idiots and omg we eat alot of junk food, she helps me alot and she is been there for me I know all her secrets he3he3 there is so much more I can say abt her bs im too tired anyways I love her <3 ohh saa77 and she is ppprreeeetttyyy
the shorty hahaha Ghalia! My everything I honestly can write a book about her.. there is so much to say about her.. she is like the besstt person I ever met we are so perfect for each other like everything we do and talk about ;) ya5ii I love her so much more than nutella even and she is so gorgeous and beautifuull! she just always makes me happy and she always has to make me smile even if im breakin down and even if mad at her wich only lasts 2 mins she is just the best like I dont know what id ever do without her she is my life I frickin adore the life out of her! yea and ps. everybody who's gon be reading this she is mine. touch her ur dead. hurt her ur burried. mess with her and ur in deeeeeeepppp shiittttt.
wierd teeth? be more specific please xD

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N3m aha, nta t3rf ma howa aswd w asfr aswd w asfr aswd w asfr aswd w asfr! x'D #missingYou! xoxo

Hahhahahhahahahahahaha ommgg I miss you too <3


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