

Ask @JJWriterz

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Have you read anything by farawayfromnowhere, XxbeautifulFighterxX, SecretCrush2k12 or northbynorth? Opinions on their writing if you have.

Omg l feel like a retard
No l haven't read anything from them, hahaha... l'm too caught up with Leigh, Mariam, Charlotte, and Fatima's books, l'm so sorry :( l'm not really a reader on Wattpad, since l procrastinate on that by going on Ask and stalking Leigh.
l suggest you to my friend Jenny (@Musicfantasy on both Wattpad and here) for opinions on books, since she a voracious reader.
You can check my reading lists for a general opinion on other books, though c:
Hope this helped a little, xoxo

do you like taylor swift and Jennifer Lawerence? I love them/.

Of course l do! JLaw is perf and so is Tay omg
Someone told me before that my profile picture is a mixture of JLaw and Tay, haha

I would so buy an iDroid, Jessie. Sounds like a beautiful phone with all the big-screenedness of an Android and the beauty of an Apple.

Yes indeedy
iDroid: "With the big screen of Android, and the beauty of Apple."
Liked by: Alyssa

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What are your opinions on Lindsey opening up about her eating disorder?

I've never known about this, to be honest...
Well, if she did open up about it..I can only say that I admire her so for her courage. I mean, few people have the gumption to tell others about the problems they're going to through, and that just proves my point of she being strong. She is one of the strongest person I've ever met. She ignores her freaking stupid hater, and still is so hilarious, amazing, and friendly.
I admire her, okay? Lindsey is a s t r o n g girl that I'm thankful to meet on the Internet. I kind of really love her, though she doesn't talk to me as much as to others, haha c:

What is the meaning of friendship to you?

l've never thought about it, actually. Since l consider myself to be quite a practical person and everything. But here goes...
l think friendship shows clear as clear when someone is there for you when you need them most, and is genuinely concerned for your welfare, disregarding their own at the moment.
l think you have finally became friends with someone when you stop acting awkward and feeling worried of how they think of you.
l don't think insensitive people can always count as friends though..

We must also mass produce MORLEIGH BADGES along with LEIGH SHORTS

Morleigh badges are more like me and Evelyn's thing, haha, but l guess you could do that.. c:
Wait what
Leigh shorts

No not that famous but I had a crap day and that made it better so that makes you cool :)

Well l'm glad l made you happy c:

JESSIE SAID I WAS OFFICALLY COOL. My life is complete :)

Whoa bro is my judgement that important? Am l that famous? l'm curious, really haha
Note: that was coming from the lamest person you'll ever meet

YAY, GRACIAS. I'll fan you back when you fan meee! 'cause I'm so lazy to search for you. x)

I just fanned you c: You deserved it, bro, you're such an awesome friend

favorite arizona?

I've only tried the original and watermelon flavour.
I guess I like the original one since it actually had some kind of tea taste to it, haha

What do you think are the world’s three greatest cities?

Whatever places the LeighLovers, Mariamaters, and Katernauts rule.
We are the bosses.
Liked by: Lily

What exactly is a morleigh badge?

A Morleigh badge is a badge for certain achievements that me and Evelyn distribute, consisting a badge with the picture of Leigh and Morris. c:

I spelt it pretty well for someone who couldn't spell sign till like a month ago

Good job
Morleigh badge for you for spelling Regina George and "sign" correctly c:

Wow I did manage to spell Regina George wrong

Indeedy, but now you know how to spell it right thanks to the new & improved George Washington known as Jessie.


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