

Ask @JJWriterz

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omfg you love leigh. i'm an unofficial leighlover.

Of course I love Leigh, she deserves to be loved by us wonderful Leighlovers.
Okay that doesn't really make sense
And you should start becoming official bby
Liked by: saarah

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So like I have no questions today so am feeling like a lameass

Look here, y'all, I'm answering my own question.
Quite weird, isn't it?
But I'm bored :c Someone spam me
I'm waiting.



Do you imagine yourself as a Transformer when you think of yourself as a car?

No, more like a human-to-crouching-dog transformation, ahh
Transformers would be so cool, my god :D

If you were a car, what kind of car would you be?

A clip of me transforming into a car is playing in my head, and it's ain't pretty.
I'm too wonderful as a human to become a car :P Besides, being a car means that I have no hands. And with no hands I would not be able to answer these creepy questions that the HQ posts

So does Leigh rule a country or lands or something like that? Or is it just a group-ish thing??

Leigh is our Queen
Our vast country lives in our hearts, like a shining lighthouse in a sea of darkness
And we're this club. We wear Leigh shirts on Wednesdays ;) ;)
Liked by: Lily

Hm.. Jess, did you change your settings so that only people with names and ask questions?

Because I'm awesome like that
Great plan to eliminate anonymous haters who are sins to us Leighlovers

Some people take things too seriously. Anon, seriously. It's just ONE word - Smartass. ONE word does not count as BRAGGING. Bragging = "Look at my new Coach bag and my Micheal Kors shoes!! They were so expensive, but my mother bought me them 'cause we ain't broke - My family is rich, hun!!" & etc :P

Shoutout to hater:
In case you are wondering, no. I don't wear designers and my family's not that rich.
I'm normal.
No, that's a lie. I'm crazy.
And Jenny thank you dear

JESSIE. I love spreading, um, love. There is not enough of it in the world to begin with, then you add all the hate. So, these haters are giving me a reason to brighten people's days (which I love to do). DON'T FEEL GUILTY.

Aw kay c:
Yes, we awesome Leighlovers spread love.
We are mentally fighting enemies or the Dictatorship of Leighlovers. Our army is doing quite well, but we need more initiatives to brighten someone's day and make them smile c:
Liked by: Alyssa

Dude, you're not stressing me. If nothing else, you're allowing me to write the truth. My biggest stress in a normal day is: "should I have chocolate ice cream or vanilla ice cream?"

There there, I'm feeling guilty again.
Omg you can eat ice cream? Luckyy. My parents don't allow since it's Winter and all.

To all you idiots hating in Jessie: is this whole thing really about her about me? It's just a profile, you idiots. It's not meant to be read into that much. And I hope your not stereotyping Asians, because I'm about to come track you down if you are. To Jessie: you're amazing. Don't listen to hate.

I know, I won't from now. c:
And Alyssa you're always making me feel guilty when you type your wonderful, flawless, encouraging messages and it's like as if I'm stressing you with my own problems, ahh. I should just stop that.
You're more amazing. Srly. c:

tbh saying you're smart is just bravado. no offense, just wise words of wisdom here. please. don't brag. smart cannot define you in every way. just no. btw you may just be smart in math. asian powerrr (jk not trying to stereotype)

1) I have no idea what's "bravado". It sounds like Spanish but I'm Canadian, so I study French, haha.
2) To say "no offence" is saying "I'm going to offend you right now, but please don't be sad". And you think it's wise words? You've sent me loads of hate yesterday saying that I'm narcissistic. You don't know me. So stop acting like it and jumping to conclusions. Then, you switched your tactics to saying that I'm not smart. That didn't work out either, since my friends were so wonderful to back me up. And now you're saying that the hate is wise words.
3) I thought I've made it clear enough that I'm not bragging. What part of it do you not get? Just one word: "Smartass". Just that very word sent me back loads of hate from people who find it interesting to see my reaction.
4) Smart cannot define me in every way, indeed. My about is short. I just quickly whip something up and leave it like that. But if you get to know me more then certainly you would come up with new traits.
5) YOU DON'T KNOW ME. I hate Math. I seriously hate it so much, don't even question it. And besides, due to my dislike towards it, I don't get as good marks on it, ahh. I'd like to say I enjoy the Arts more - Writing, Art, History - and Science. This assumption is making me want to bang my head against a wall. -______- Just no. Don't say that. I'm not as good at Math as in other subjects, kay? Besides, I don't have the motivation.
6) You must have read Evolution of Dakness, that's why you know I'm Asian. Yes, I am and I'm proud of it. And that is so stereotypical. Again, no I'm not as good in Math
Have a good day, dreading your next question -_____-

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Liked by: Alyssa

Please post your new fanfic? Sorry I'm just so excitedddd xD

I will update when I finish the first chapter c: an thanks you're making me feel famous


<3 asdfghjkl' In love
I gotta go sleep now, it's 1:08 a.m. here in Toronto and I have school tmmr. Talk to you later and love you lots!!! <3 This is the famous Jessie, commander of the Army of Leighlovers, signing off (in style). c:

Haha that was hilarious, you can have this leigh badge for being awesome. It has Morris in it too ;) ;) OMG we sound obsessed

Morris looks so cutee. But hey the way they're posing makes it look like Fallzswimmer's profile pic
And if Leigh wasn't in it it would be Kirsty's lol

omg thank you for the message! apparently everyone on ask.fm cannot escape the hate mob going around :/

Anytimee ily
No one can escape it
No one except Jenny
lol. I thinking hating is an Ask hobby or something. "Hey, who you send hate more often to?" "l think Jessie, but l send it to leighlover69 too. l totally hate them." "OMG me tooo"
Okay that was quite a lame joke

I LOVE YOU JESSIE STAY FAB <3 da haters are jel of your fame life and smart brain

omg how did you know they're jel? We're awesome like that, y'all.
And you've got more hate than me, so you have to stay your beautiful, perfect, hilarious self, kay?
The hate makes my fingers kind of cold, so don't worry c: This can be a cruel world but that's why we need to stay strong. Besides, I have all of you wonderful, WONDERFUL people beside me, why would I be afraid and cower before them? We are the bosses

I got your back. To that anon below, I don't see why being smart is becoming an argument here. I think you're just finding whatever flaws Jessie has and sending hate about it. That's not very nice :(

I have taught you well, haven't l?
Oh dear let me love you <3
See with all of you amazing, perfect people, you make the hate seem like nothing at all
Let me love you all <333

Why would Jessie pretend to be smart? What would she gain? Exactly. She's not pretending to be smart, she is. She's a witty, talented person, writer, and she's Canadian. She's one of the greatest people I know, and I've only known her for a couple days. Would you idiots stop the hate?

Just asdfghjkl''lkjhfrrtyuumm
Alyssa you almost made burst into tears
why are you so wonderful

that's not true Jessie omg, you are definitely gonna be better than me

omg be quiet already
Last story l read from you was phenomenal don't even argue with me about it
And to compare my crappy writing skills to your magnificent ones can be only described as heart-breaking


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