

Ask @JJWriterz

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Today the haters have been at their high. Leigh has gotten tons (but the LeighLovers were there, plus so was Morris! So cute! I'm off topic) and you're getting hate, and Fatima's getting so much, and even I got hate for "kissing up" to Kate. People these days. What has this world come to?

I guess they just have the need to bring down someone so they feel better about themselves. But still, why hate? Do they even know the sick feeling when you get hate, or even witness hate?
Like srly, why are people questioning my IQ, trying to pick fights? It's making them sound stupid and immature and they don't even know it.
Lol l sound wise when l'm just a 13 year old with a severe lack of common sense. c:
Liked by: Alyssa

U r obvs not smart. Ur just pretending u r gosh

What else can I say? -___________-
That's not very nice bby. Didn't your mother - or anyone - teach you to be nice?
Sigh, whatever. Believe what you want. I still don't get what's this huge tumult over whether l'm smart or not all about. -_____- Do you feel so urgent and in need of trying to bring down someone? If you are, then let me tell you that you're failing terribly. l have my wonderful friends - Leigh, leighlover69, Alyssa, Jenny, Connie dear, Mable - to just name a few that's got my back.

Who is mable?

My best friend at school c: She's sweet, cute, kind-hearted, but can be quite possessive. When leighlover69 first became my BFF she was so pissed off I was scared. lol.

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When are you posting your fanfic? I'm do excited to read it :)

Definitely this week c: and lol I guess word got out that I'm writing a fanfic too. Thank you anon, you're making me feel important and famous.
I'm actually rlly nervous about this whole thing, since I'm scared as well as excited on what kind of reaction I'll get. But my BFF's fanfic will be better than mine :)

omg lol why are people asking if you are smart?

I have no idea.
This anon. started asking why l'm bragging that l'm smart. I explained to him/her for about 8 questions of taunts, offence, and insult towards this story l'm posting on Wattpad. -___- and after the excessive typing my fingers were cold and have lost some feeling to it.
There was so much rude questions today it's unreal. Good thing l was chatting Jenny the whole time or l would've lost at least some vital parts of my sanity

Is Julia your middle name?

Nope, it was my Grade 2 best friend's name. We got in touch again and decided to join Wattpad on one single account, writing this book called "Golden Infinity". Then she became rlly busy, so she couldn't work on that story anymore. So, I started procrastinating on it. Since Dec. 4th, it was on hold. :)
And don't worry, l'm the only one that's using the account ever since.

Why would ask.fm want to know what body part you wash first? Honestly. Sometimes I wonder if it's just some old guy sitting at the HQ of ask.fm coming up with creepy questions.

OMG I can picture that in head. This old man with a potbelly and perverted smile plastered on his face while he waits for the answers to roll in.
Or the government is doing some top-secret research on the psychology of one's mind regarding which body part is preferably first washed. (CRAZY IDEA)
Whichever way you look at it, it's just wrong.
Liked by: Alyssa

Why is your user name JJWriterz? I mean, what does JJ stand for?

The rest I think you can figure out c:

i mustache you a question but i'l shave it later

Omg that's the quote on my timeline! c: and it's so cutee
Don't be shy. Ask me anything Leigh-ish, or just anything ;)

Can I wanna join the army too?

Of course! we could rlly use a sharpshooter like you ;) ;)
But mostly we just defend Leigh and/or the Dictatorship of the Leighlovers c:

Can I join the army of LeighLovers?

Why of course! :D
Welcome to the club where we do the rain dance (or was it the rain dance? I have no idea srly) when we see Leigh's picture B| We sound so cool, don't we

Who is stealing my identity? In other words: Why would I have an impostor? O.o

(I'm making note of "impostor". I gotta use that word to Connie next time we have our "intriguing, peculiar, interesting, "quadrilateral" convos. :D So thank you dear)

Gurl I do NOT use "llol." You know me well enough that I like to laugh "HAHAHAHA" instead of dat.

I know exactly. That's why I was doubting ;) ;) See me very observant and wise
And to a casual observer narcissism to the max

this answer is directed to you, ANON. Define anon plz

Wait, what?
This is a question. Anon. is short for anonymous. Unless you want a link for definition again

connie chang is your mom

Yes, and did you know I have a daughter named Tina Crazy and a nephew named Wali Cookie-Monster Crazy? :D

llol howww did you figure out that I was Jenny?

I know because I talk to Jenny one too many times
(Though I am questioning right now if this is Jenny, since she does not use llols. Not by a long shot.)

Can you make stories on Wattpad more original? Like the Evolution of Darkness series is so un original

Oh my. Is it, now?
(Warning: spoilers ahead if you have not read the current collection of chapters)
I guess you think the Minotaur losing his loincloth, fainting Shadowhunters, Jace getting kicked in the butt by an awesome girl, fruity-kaboom-kebab nuggets, frying pans used in battle, an invisible wall appearing all of a sudden, bombs, Clary the Apple, a fat Slenderman, elaborate cabin designs, upgraded Wii systems, hallucinations to be very, very unoriginal. And guess what? I totally agree with you.
No, I cannot. I am merely one Wattpader in the sea of users. Sorry to say but I don't have their passwords. In fact, I know none but my own.
I'm sorry if it's unoriginal to you. But, one thing is that why didn't you drop a comment for constructive criticism? Why didn't you just give up reading the whole book? And why did you have to come up to my Ask just to tell me? I mean, this is a place where I want to be happy and spread love, not a place that disses are distributed as carelessly as free food samples.

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Can you describe May's feelings for Jace in the Evolution of Darkness?

OMG FIRST SERIOUS QUESTION, I'M LOVING THIS.-gives first-serious-question badge-
So like, in the story May has only been caught staring at Jace by the amazing Jessie once. And in her chapter she did not give a thought about Jace. That leads us to a conclusion that Jace was merely eye-catching to her. And of course, to almost any girl other than the intriguing Jessie, Jenny, and Rita.
(Maybe that word does fit there but I just felt that I had to use it. Intriguing. Peculiar. Interesting. I'm so in love with these words.)


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