

Ask @JJWriterz

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i nominated so many people i started to burst. HOw did you only nominate 5? also the shy one? i was like eh eh none.

Charlotte Zielenski
ohmigawd did you nominate me
what did you burst into
l was on ipad and l did it hastily okay
yeah me too l was like, 'nope, there ain't no shy one 'round here.'
Liked by: yas

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To make it up, I'll give you another card. The future is in your hands once again Jessie. Crack the code. Who do you think I am? Think carefully.

you can't even give me one single hint
even a potato could see that it's not fair
that's it. l'm investigating.
Liked by: yas elisa

Hey loves. Please answer this briefly in a voice rec/video/typing. -Ups and downs of Ask.fm -Status of your writing -Difference of your friends and Ask friends -Talk about a favorite book -What do you keep in your wallet?

1. Ups and downs of Ask.fm:
Ups: -you meet a lot of lovely people and can interact with them easier than on Wattpad
-I like the spam and questions, it's fun to answer
-I can feel the bond we have to each other here on ask, because we are like this community of lovely, awkward people
Downs: -the anonymous hate received by the sweetes of people
-just the hate generally
-creeper questions
-I say a lot of stuff here so I feel very exposed to the possibility if people from real life just stalking me and discovering secrets that I don't want them to know
Status of writing: currently procrastinating by answering questions
Difference of your friends and ask friends:
-real life friends can be complete bitches and insensitive freaks
-I see only good things in the friends I've made over the Internet
-dare I say, Internet friends are lovelier than real life friends.
Talk about a favorite book:
Gone With The Wind by Margaret Mitchell. The best book in the world. It'll just blow you away by its depiction of The Civil War.
What di you keep in your wallet: money and gift cards.

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How desperate are you to know my real identity, Jessie? I've heard you know the real identity of the anon who's writing Dear Friend.

Potato knows that I take extreme measures all the time
My god this sounds like Alyssa. You're Alyssa, aren't you.
Liked by: s yas elisa Alyssa

I really love the name Alennica, but I'm sorry. This isn't Alen. She wishes she was that awesome. No, I'm just kidding. Alen is that awesome, but I am Gamemaker. Not Alen. Good guess nevertheless.

Liked by: s yas elisa Alyssa


Language: English