Ask @JannnnuTW

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I can fight with my sister like 10 times a day, but the only reason why i wanna fight with her is this "I love my sister" fighting with her is so funny, sometimes we both hate each other but its only 2 minutes and then we are "friends" again. Our memories is the best. I remember when i was 9 and she was 16 and she rolled my hairs and put my lipstick on and we played "rabbits" game, i remember when i was younger i told her so many bad things cuz i was litte jealouse =D but now everytime when she comes home, everytime when we talk on Facebook, when we 2 #facetime, watching Tv together, watching funny videos together, everytime i feel like im in paradise, im so lucky cuz i have a sister like you <3 i love my sister cuz she is my everything, i love her more then music, i love her more then Union J, i just love her. When i have problems then i know that you can fix my problems. I broked your big heart when was your 21th birthday haha you told me these words are so cute. What ever happens know that i love you more then my life <3

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