Ask @Jeeenu

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What is something that is "uncool" that you do anyway?

Are you indirectly asking for my hipster level?
cause that be infinite B)

What is in your wishlist?

My real wishlist? Or my ourWorld one?
My real's probably: 4 dogs, 2 ferrets, 1 cat, 1 hamster, a pool in my house, money, swag etc etc
Liked by: Todd

Like my 30 answers to get : answers rate + beauty/personality rate + Emoji + Best feature. Send me your @ when done and get it as a Question #nohate please

izz_Abi’s Profile PhotoChaudhry Abdullah.
w h y d o y o u d o t h i s
Liked by: Todd

What are the first things you see when you awake up?

When I awake up, I see the ceiling, then the clock and then probably the ceiling again.

conversation between someone in my class & i me " i like your shoes!" "what? why?" "they have the american idiot logo" "you listen to green day?" "hell yeah" "i love them!" -manisha

brb marrying you and that someone in your class


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