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365 people...............i am NOT. going through all of them.
365 people...............i am NOT. going through all of them.
365 people...............i am NOT. going through all of them.
365 people...............i am NOT. going through all of them.
365 people...............i am NOT. going through all of them.
365 people...............i am NOT. going through all of them.
365 people...............i am NOT. going through all of them.
365 people...............i am NOT. going through all of them.
365 people...............i am NOT. going through all of them.
365 people...............i am NOT. going through all of them.
365 people...............i am NOT. going through all of them.
365 people...............i am NOT. going through all of them.
365 people...............i am NOT. going through all of them.
365 people...............i am NOT. going through all of them.
365 people...............i am NOT. going through all of them.
365 people...............i am NOT. going through all of them.
365 people...............i am NOT. going through all of them.
365 people...............i am NOT. going through all of them.
365 people...............i am NOT. going through all of them.
365 people...............i am NOT. going through all of them.
365 people...............i am NOT. going through all of them.
365 people...............i am NOT. going through all of them.
365 people...............i am NOT. going through all of them.
365 people...............i am NOT. going through all of them.
365 people...............i am NOT. going through all of them.
365 people...............i am NOT. going through all of them.
365 people...............i am NOT. going through all of them.
365 people...............i am NOT. going through all of them.
365 people...............i am NOT. going through all of them.

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I try not to listen to them, it doesn't work, it's like they know my life by a picture? And believe me it's impossible,I'm not gorgeous and I'm not ugly,swap accounts with me and click on my questions,you'll see every questions telling me to die.<3<3

i know what its like, I've had the same thing, there was a point where i would get loads of hate like that, but i ignored it, and it stopped, i get some here and now still, but i ignore it, and do you know why? because i think to myself,
what if i did take my life, what would happen to the amazing people i'd leave behind, it's because i remember of people like you, yes YOU, that i never let things get to me, i think of people who i care about like YOU, i think about how they'd feel, if suddenly, i was out of their lives forever, i think about how YOU'd feel if i just disappeared, and i remember, there are people who care about me, and that's what you need to remind yourself, there are people who care about YOU, im not promising life will be perfect, no one has life perfect, no one know half of my life story, the things I've been through, I've never told any one, and most of you would be shocked at what I've been though, but what i do promise, is that people who care about YOU, like me, will always do everything to make life as best as it can be, for YOU,
I'm saying things will look up, im saying YOU need to look up, and remember, you're loved by many, who will do everything and more for you. there are certain cunts, who pick on others because they're jealous, jealous of what you have, the love that the people who care about YOU, will always give you,
and that goes to anyone else who forgets, or thinks that they're not worth anything, there is always 'another option'
there is always someone, who cares and loves you, and will do everything for you,
but the truth is, life will only look up, when YOU love yourself <3<3<3

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See,look at my posts,got told to die again. I'm sorry,I cant take this anymore, I'm sorry, Bye<3<3

no, stop, don't listen to them, or it, can't even refer to people like that as human, you are so much better than them, don't listen to them, seriously so many people care about you, I've never even spoke to you of this site and i care about you, think about your family, they all love you, think of the pain you would cause to everyone who cares about you if you listened to those cunts.
stop seriously, you're gorgeous, you're not ugly, and you're worth so much more than you think, you're not worthless, you can't listen to them, pls <3<3
Liked by: Tamara Eade

bit desperate for likes there..

im not desperate at all;
like my answers, like my answers, like my answers, like my answers, like my answers, like my answers,
like my answers, like my answers, like my answers, like my answers, like my answers, like my answers,
like my answers, like my answers, like my answers, like my answers, like my answers, like my answers,
like my answers, like my answers, like my answers, like my answers, like my answers, like my answers,
like my answers, like my answers, like my answers, like my answers, like my answers, like my answers,
like my answers, like my answers, like my answers, like my answers, like my answers, like my answers,
like my answers, like my answers, like my answers, like my answers, like my answers, like my answers,
like my answers, like my answers, like my answers, like my answers, like my answers, like my answers,
like my answers, like my answers, like my answers, like my answers, like my answers, like my answers,
like my answers, like my answers, like my answers, like my answers, like my answers, like my answers,
like my answers, like my answers, like my answers, like my answers, like my answers, like my answers,
like my answers, like my answers, like my answers, like my answers, like my answers, like my answers,
like my answers, like my answers, like my answers, like my answers, like my answers, like my answers,
like my answers, like my answers, like my answers, like my answers, like my answers, like my answers,
like my answers, like my answers, like my answers, like my answers, like my answers, like my answers,

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Yes you are,and I deactivated it haahah,and what's wrong?do you have an iPod,iPad?<3<3

no, just i read some of your answers on your ask, thought i should talk to you, let you know im here if you need anything? <3<3

14 x

alright, but i can only return yours later, i have a few to do already, you can do me yours if you want, but i wont be able to yours back straight away? x

aw,and im not pretending!<3<3

no, stop, YOU ARE NONE OF THOSE THINGS, as i said,
and a lot of people care about you <3<3

fansign for fansign? I only do inner thighs though, sorry aha x

no wait how old are you, if you're much younger than me i wont let you do me one? x

you take girls bodys for granted and just get them to wright there names on there boobs or thighs or bum's i dont see you doing any fansings on your ass or your dick !

they don't have to do them, and i do them fan signs back, why are you even telling me this, don't remember inviting you to get involved, i return the fan signs i get, obviously im not going to write someone's name on fucking dick, just like i don't ask for any fan signs near anyone fucking vagina,
now you've made your point, you can gladly fuck off
Liked by: R a c h e l

i dont want a fansign from u and i wont make u 1 i want a boob fansign like that hot slut made u

oh, well in that case fuck off


Language: English