

Ask @JoseRenatoDosSantos

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Hhaha, that girl in the back ground has hardly got any boobs :L

"hardly any boobs?" ARE YOU BLIND!? please, just LEAVE.

Do you like suits?

i have like 4 or 5, buy one every time i go to a wedding or whatever, actually i bought one Monday, it was like £150, so yeah could say i like suits but i don't wear them too often

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I want to be that girl. And this might sound stuck up, but you've just described my personality and the relationship I want. Oh and.. You're perfect x

omg thank you so much, but im really not, but come of anon? x

How can you be single <3you are so fucking beautiful and I bet you treat girls like princesses not like other guys :)xx

i try to, i mean, if im with someone it's because i obviously have feelings for them, so im going to treat them right, and if i love some one, then obviously im going to treat them better than anyone else, including my self, but im not surprised, yeah i treat girls right, but im not exactly any thing special, and im definitely not perfect, and that's what everyone looks for now days <3xxx

Gift the first to like? X

don't send gifts,

Nope, I'm pretty sure you have hundreds of fans, LIKE IF YOUR JOSE'S FAN. I wish I could like this a hundred times, too bad I can't x

here goes nothing, im sure this will get no likes at all, but oh well, i dont expect much so i wont be disappointed eh,

describe your perfect relationship???x

i never do any of these long paragraph answers but fuck it, might as well,
well starting with the least important, looks;
i really like blue eyes, don't know why but they always look fucking stunning,
also i like blonde hair, probably because it goes nicely with blue eyes, i like brunette too,
i wouldn't want them to be taller than me so 5 foot 7 is perfect,
like most boys big tits are a yes yes, and i love a good bum,
now to the more important shit, personality;
they would have to be really nice to everyone,
not too shy but not too loud,
i'd love for them to be really modest, so that every time i'd complement them they'd disagree so that i could have cute little arguments with her about it and send her cute messages about how gorgeous she really is,
also she's have to have good sense of humour, and she couldn't be serious all the time,
and then also there's the relationship;
i'd really like one of those cute relationships were she'd be round mine every day, and i'd go sleep round hers on the weekends,
when she'd be ill and off school i'd take the day off too and spend the whole day snuggled up with her watching films and play fighting, and i'd make her brownies and take them to her while she was in bed, then when she wanted to sleep i'd give her a good night kiss and cuddle up with her,
i'd send her long morning and night messages telling her how much i love her and how amazing she is,
i wouldn't let anyone hurt her, i'd do everything to protect her, she'd be on my mind all day,
i would send her flowers every Monday and give her a box of chocolates with a cute message every Friday,
i'd have cute conversations with her through letters and i'd tell her something amazing about her in each one,
i'd treat her like she was the only thing i had, i would give her everything she wanted,
i'd love her, and do everything i could for her,
and lastly i'd tell her all of these things, everyday, i'd tell her how much she meant to me, and how much i loved her, and how i'd want to be with her forever, how she was perfect and how i wanted to make her feel that way. xox

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well i dont know if i should get out from anon:)cuz what if you want like me <3 xxx

i wont know you :L but im sure it'll be fine, pls come of anon? xxx

do you like girls with thigh gaps? or do you think they are too thin?

yeah, but not to much, don't find anorexic attractive, but thigh gaps are fine


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